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Unlock CMS Policy

Updated Jan 2023

Competition Match System data is the cornerstone of our competitions helping determine overall standings and representatives at playoffs and Championships. Since 2016 we have required that teams enter their data by Mondays at 5pm (CST). After that deadline matches are locked to prevent teams from altering match data after the fact, and this serves a built-in safeguard to the system.

There will be a $25 fee imposed to have it unlocked.

  1. Fill out the form indicating the Month and Day of your match plus the name of your team. Example: 1/28 OKC Crusaders.
  2. Then click the Pay Now Paypal button below to pay your fee. You can login to your Paypal account or choose “pay with debit or credit card” to use a another form of payment.
  3. Once you’ve paid, contact the TRU Admin at admin@texasrugbyunion.com to request that your match is unlocked.

Reminders about what to enter into CMS:

  • Roster (night before match)
  • Scores
  • Substitutions
  • Disciplinary Actions

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