TRU Email Protocol


This is not an email that I want to write but it has become evident that it is needed.

There have been a recent rash of emails going out from various parts of the rugby family. We have experienced these emails at varying times in the past and from all of our varying groups.

Historically we have either let these comments slide and politely asked that they cease. Unfortunately, the continue to arise from time to time. With no greater good coming from these emails it is time for them to cease.

These emails have three primary things in common:

1. Emails are being generated by Individuals that have no valid cause or standing to send such email other than having a personal opinion that they would like to share with “all”.
2. Lengthy distribution lists to groups and/or individuals that have no material reason to be included on the respective email in the first place.
3. The author and/or its contributors are adding personal commentary that is based solely on personal opinion, have no basis of fact or context and can only been deemed to be inflammatory in nature that attack one or more individuals or groups.

Emails that meet one or more of the above commonalities are materially hindering our ability to Govern and Manage the business of the Union across the board. The emails are divisive in nature and only continue to drive political or personal wedges within the rugby community. To which I, nor the Union are no longer willing to tolerate.

We all know that through the years there have been varying conflicts between groups and/or between certain individuals. These conflicts are increasingly becoming more personal in nature with distribution lists growing as fast as the derogatory comments.

We have policies in place to strive to stamp out on field abuses of fans, players, coaches, referees and administrators. It is time that we start enforcing off the field abuses as well.

Going forward, ANYONE from ANY GROUP that feels the need to send out broadcast emails that are personal and/or inflammatory in nature and purpose will be forwarded to the Director of Discipline for review and corrective action as deemed necessary.

I have asked Scot Courtney, Director of Discipline, to review the USA Discipline Code and make sure that we have policies, procedures and penalties in place to manage these unfortunate and unnecessary distractions to the greater good of the Union and Rugby in general.

I will be posting this to the TRU website and suggest that you forward to your respective members as well.


David McPhail
TRU President
713.502.3507 Cell