Members of the Texas Rugby Union,
Could you please update the TRU website and notify your respective clubs, referees, and divisions of this year’s Halloween / South Texas Tournament hosted by the San Antonio Rugby Football Club.
As host to the South Texas Tournament this year, our board has decided to combine the two tournaments to allow for more competition and to build on the success of our Halloween Tournament last year. We scheduled the date of this tournament (10/24/09) so that it does not interfere with any other Texas Rugby Tournaments and to serve as a good warm-up for the 2010 rugby season.
Thanks in advance and please let me know if there is anyone else that our club needs to notify prior to this event. Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Jason Martinez
Sr. Acquisition Associate
Lynd Residential Properties
8000 IH-10 West, Suite 1200 | San Antonio, TX 78230
(p) (210) 798-8162 | (f) (210) 798-8962 | (c) (210) 204-3986|
Flyer – 2009 Halloween Tournament