Coaching Course this weekend…sign up today!

FYI – a reminder that all teams must have at least one USA Rugby CDP certified coach on staff – this is our only chance to get this done if needed here locally within the state of Texas – so please sign up today…thanks.


USA Rugby has not raised the price for late fees as of today on the coaching course this weekend. If you register today you can avoid late fees. It is in Houston at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory. You can go here to resister:

There is a shortage of coaches at the HS level throughout the state limiting the growth of the game. The days of one man coaching 30 + players is long past. If you get a new team we promise not to send you solo, so if work or personal life restricts your commitment, you will not be the only one responsible. In a city of Houston and in the state of Texas there has to be ex-ruggers, whether American or ex-pat that wants to put back. Please spread the word.

As an added incentive, if you are in Houston, the Lost Afternoon Lunch will pay up to $200 ea to cover the cost of the first 7 coaches who apply. The only stipulation is they are assisting a new or struggling program. So if you can coach in the Cy Fair, Tomball, Clear Lake, West Side HS, HARC U-19’s, etc., $100 will be paid upon successful completion of the course and $100 will be paid at the end of your first season of coaching. This is to avoid someone wasting the accreditation and never coaching.

Email me for information:

Hotels are available at $69.00 per night.

2712 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77089

There will be a social sponsored by the Lost Afternoon Lunch at the Stagshead Pub beginning at 7:00 PM. All are invited to attend who are curious as to where we plan to spend the Lost Afternoon Luncheon money.