TRU Collegiate Meeting – May 1st

Collegiate Coaches / Administrators:


Everything is set, the start time for this meeting is 12 Noon, Saturday, May 1st on the Rice University Campus, address and maps listed below.

This will be a great venue to schedule your friendly matches for the upcoming year. New this year – a request for all clubs to submit a copy of their friendly matches to me before leaving the meeting.

There will be lots to discuss and I encourage each club to send at least one representative to this meeting.
Schedules for next years competitions will be sent out soon. See all of you there on the first of May.

Room: Duncan Hall 1042.

Here’s info on parking:

Here’s a map of Rice, find Duncan Hall in the scroll menu on the top left of the page, you can also use the site to get google directions from anywhere.

There is also cheaper parking in West Lot 2, if you look to the left on the map.

Rice’s address is:
6100 Main St
Houson TX, 77005