TRU Electoral Vote Required


The offices of Men’s Electoral Rep & Women’s Electoral Representative on the TRU Board positions are coming to term this summer and therefore, an election will be held to fill these positions. Ted Hill & Traci Schmidtke currently hold these positions.

The position is for a three (3) year term of service. According to the TRU by-laws “Each Electoral Representative should represent the view of their constituents but they should also be prepared to act in the best interests of the Union, if such interests are in conflict with those of the constituents. These two Electoral Reps shall serve, along with the [three (3)] other Electoral Representatives together with the three (3) members of the Executive Committee to form the TRU Executive Board who shall be responsible for the affairs of the Union and long-term vision, direction and strategy of the Texas Rugby Union.”

The election shall be held as follows:

June 1, 2010 – Nominations Open – Any TRU Member may nominate another member (including themselves) for the position by sending an email to Scot Courtney ( as TRU Director of Discipline with cc to TRU President, Dave McPhail (

June 30, 2010 – Nominations close – Ballot with listed names of Candidates will be distributed to all respective members

July 1, 2010 – Voting may begin – Each Division Secretary shall work with Scot Courtney to canvass his membership to attempt to receive each Club’s individual vote for these offices. It is the responsibility of the Club to cast their vote. The Divisional Secretaries are simply charged with attempting to assist in the collection of votes. Scot Courtney( shall keep the results of votes collected secret until they are officially tallied and submitted to the TRU President on July 30, 2010.

July 31, 2010 – Voting closes – Scot Courtney shall forward the votes cast to TRU President, Dave McPhail on July 31, 2010.

August 1, 2010 – Winners announced – In the event that a candidate does not receive a majority of votes cast, a special election will be held between the top two candidates receiving the most votes. Said election will be held to begin on August 2, 2010 and voting closed on August 15, 2010 in the same manner as the general election was held.

August 15, 2010 – Winners announced.

New Electoral Reps installed at the Summer AGM (August 21-22, 2010) in Houston.