Deadline for confiimation of your attendance is Close of Business (5pm) on Wednesday. Otherwise there will be no guaranty of seating or meal service for any non confirmed attendee’s.
Club Presidents and Board Members:
Please find the meeting details listed below. Please RSVP your attendance so that we can assure a proper sized meeting room and lunch orders.
If you are not confirmed in attendance, you will not be have lunch ordered on your behalf.
The two day meeting will be held at the following location:
Hyatt Summerfield Suites – Galleria Location
3440 Sage Road • Houston TX, 77056
Phone: 713-629-9711 • Fax: 713-629-9092
* Saturdays Meeting will officially start at Noon and go until 530pm. Doors will open at 11am and lunch will be delivered around 1130am.
* Sundays Meeting will start at 9am and end no later than 2pm. Lunch will be served around Noon.
Parking is complimentary on the surface lot and if you want to park in the Garage, please press the button and tell the attendant that your are attending the meeting.
For those requiring hotel accommodations you can use the link below or check the website for rates:
Please email your confirmation of attendance to Scot Courtney:
David McPhail