2011 – 2012 Proposed Realignment for Texas Rugby Union
Recommended and Presented by, Board of Directors, TRU
June 15, 2011
On Saturday, June 11th 2011, the Board of Directors held an all day meeting regarding Competitions and matters that specifically relate to the playing of rugby within the Union.
All TRU organized competitions were reviewed for historical structure and performance, current state as it relates to end of season performance, results of competitions as it relates to existing Promotion & Relegation Policies, and future development of the game with the intent to structure our competitions for the betterment of the individual participants, member clubs, partner organizations and championship pathways.
The Board reviewed several operating policies and have made the following changes:
- The minimum fine for a “non-played” forfeit of a league match is $500. The forfeiture of the “next home match” shall still apply but will be up to the Clubs to monitor and notify the Union as is reasonable and/or practical.
- The minimum fine for cancellation of a schedule match, outside of established or reasonable guidelines is $250. The timeline for adequate notice, short of unforeseen and/or uncontrollable circumstances shall be increased from 5 to 15 days.
- Failure to adhere to the minimum published guidelines of the Field Barrier Policy will result in a Warning for the first offence. A second offence will be a $500 fine. Said fine will be used towards the purchase and shipment of adequate equipment for the offending club. Continued offenses will be an additional fine of $500 per occurrence.
Additionally, the Board is keenly aware of the need and desire to establish and maintain a level playing field in all competitions. The Board has tried to balance the wishes and desires of the Players, Clubs, Coaches and Administrators as it relates to advancement to Local, Territorial and/or National Championships. The Board will continue to see tools and methods to ensure that these principles are upheld.
After review and discussion of issues, problems and other challenges experienced during the prior competitive cycle, the Board has made the following changes as it relates to (A) Scheduling and (B) Divisional Alignment.
(A) The Board has deemed it necessary that it return to a previously used policy of “master / coordinated” scheduling for all Clubs. Per TRU Procedure and Notice policy, “Each club shall have 21 days (July 6, 2011) in which to submit a written waiver to appeal regarding the division in which any of its sides have been placed. The TRU Executive Board will rule on any appeals and notify all clubs of their final divisional alignment than August 1st”.
During this 21 day time period, the Board is requiring all clubs to send the Union their “Blackout / Special Request Dates”. Thereby, all requests should be submitted to the Union by no later than close of business, Wednesday, July 6, 2011.
(B) The Board is making the following recommendations for Divisional realignment with any division/league for the 2011-2012 competitive season , with annotations:
[ see PDF link]