The Texas Rugby Referee Association is dedicated to covering every match in the Texas Rugby Union that is possible. However, we do not assign TRRA referees to Alumni, scrimmages, touch or other non-traditional matches. There are several reasons for this:
- Players may not be CIPP’d with USA Rugby. For a match to occur, players must be CIPP’d.
- Since players are typically not CIPP’d, that is potentially a huge liability for the TRU.
- The TRRA is stretched enough already, we recognize that these matches are important, but they are not a priority.
You are free to contact referees listed on the TRU website and ask them to handle the match as a volunteer. Compensation, if any, will be worked out between the referee and the home team.
NOTE to Referees: If you are asked to do a match as a volunteer, note that your USA Rugby CIPP Insurance will not cover you as a referee. You are taking this match as a volunteer and therefore assume any responsibility or liability.
NOTE to Clubs: By hosting an event such as the above, you assume all responsibility or liability.