So, you’ve just finished what you thought was a great game! A few days later you receive a Referee Assessment and it lists all the things you need to improve upon. Don’t get discouraged; constructive criticism is a key part of any job. This is a reminder to accept criticism and do your job in the center as well as possible.
- Accept that you are not perfect. If you begin each game thinking that nothing will go wrong, you’re fooling yourself. You will make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them.
- Don’t take it personally. The TRU is asking coaches to provide this feedback so you can get better, its not personal.
- Listen carefully. If you ignore critical comments, you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Take notes and continually remind yourself how to fix the problem. This step is the most difficult, as it can mean that one must “suck up” one’s pride and admit one’s responsibility.
- Analyze and evaluate what you’ve heard. You need time to process the information, determine if it’s a valid criticism and decide what you’ll do to solve the problem or correct the mistake. If this is a complaint you’ve heard repeatedly, you should think about what you can learn from the situation, so it doesn’t happen again.
- Accept the fact that others may see something that you don’t. Even if you don’t agree with the criticism, others may be seeing something that you are not even aware of. This is an opportunity to look within yourself.
- Double check your work. If film is available, ask for a copy or have someone video tape you. Review the Referee Seasonal Checklists.
The TRU/TRRA understands that having your performance reviewed can be nerve wracking and unpleasant, but it is truly an opportunity to learn and grow. Have questions or concerns about the feedback you have received? Please feel free to reach out to the current TRRA Referee Coaches at If possible, please provide the referee assessment you received and a video link of the match in question in your email as well.