USA Rugby Championship Dates Announced

from USA Rugby:

Collegiate and club event dates for the spring 2013 rugby season have been announced and USA Rugby is now accepting bids to determine playoff hosting locations.

USA Rugby is looking for two venues to host men’s DI, II, and III club playoffs, as well as eight venues to host men’s and women’s college playoffs.

Spring 2013 Playoff and Championship Dates

  • April 12 – 14: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Women’s Division I and II College Playoffs (4 regional locations)
  • April 27 – 28: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Men’s Division I-AA and Men’s Division II College Playoffs (4 regional locations)
  • May 3 – 4: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Women’s Division I and II College Championships
  • May 11 – 12: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Men’s Division I-AA and Men’s Division II College Championships
  • May 18 – 19: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Men’s Division I, II and III Club Playoffs (2 regional locations)
  • May 18th: The USA Rugby Men’s Division I-A Championship
  • June 1 – 2: Emirates Airline USA Rugby Men’s Division I, II and III Club Championships

“Each year we work to raise the bar during our playoff and championship events by selecting well-equipped venues, providing greater support to hosting teams and expanding promotion of the games through broadcasting and web-streaming,” said Events Director Jen Gray.

Bids are reviewed and approved based on a variety of factors including field, staff, safety and venue conditions. Additional priority will go toward venues that are within one hour from a major international airport and can provide affordable accommodation and transportation for teams. Teams interested in hosting competitions can find bid documents and apply online at Bids must be received by November 9, 2012. Please refer questions to Events Director Jen Gray who can be reached by email at