Bid solicitation for RRRC and TOLA Qualifier Tournaments

RRRC 7sAs we continue to finalize this summer’s Red River Rugby Conference key 7s dates, we are pleased to announce the following competitions will be played during the course of the summer: RRRC Qualifier Series and TOLA Regional Series. While some of the event bids have already been secured due to timing and grandfather clauses, several remain open from which we encourage clubs who would like to host a tournament to submit bids.

RRRC Qualifier Series:

Overview: The RRRC Qualifier Series will consist of three tournaments featuring Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s divisions. The team that accumulates the most points during the course of the series will be awarded a slot in the USA Rugby National Championship tournament on August 9-10. In order to be eligible, teams must meet USA Rugby and RRRC eligibility requirements and attend a minimum of two of the three tournaments.

Structure: 3 Tournaments within two regions. The North Region will be comprised of all TRU clubs in DFW and North to and including Tulsa. The Central / South Region will be comprised of all TRU clubs located South of the DFW area.


  • June 28 – Central/ South – Hosted by Austin Huns
  • July 12 – North 1 – Host TBD
  • July 19 or 26 – North 2 – Host TBD

Minimum Hosting Requirements:

  • Provide facility within the designated region.
  • Provide at least 2 proper Rugby fields with no conflicting lines or obstructions and permanent or semi-permanent (metal or heavy gauge/ wind resistant PVC) goal posts.
  • Provide adequate shade, seating and water for referees.
  • Adhere to RRRC and USA Rugby competition guidelines.
  • Be prepared to provide an additional team to play in the tournament to fill out bracket should the need arise.
  • Artificial turf field will not be considered.

Primary factors in being awarded a bid will be quality of fields, ease of staffing with officials (cost is a critical factor) and historical reputation and participation (previous tournament hosting success) of host club.

TOLA 7sTOLA (TexasOklahomaLouisianaArkansas) Regional Series:

Overview: the TOLA Regional Series will consist of 4-5 Regional Tournaments with the goal of crowning a Regional TOLA Champion in the Sr. Men’s and Sr. Women’s Divisions. All teams entering a designated TOLA tournament will be eligible to receive TOLA points. The objective is to create a competitive environment for teams to compete in with a level of continuity that doesn’t require the formal club structure of teams wishing to compete for a National Title. The teams that have accumulated the most TOLA points at the end of the series will be crowned TOLA champions.


  • June 14 – Host TBD
  • June 21 – Bloodfest (Austin, TX)
  • July 19 or 26 – (whichever date is not a RRRC date) – Host TBD
  • August 2 – Mudfish 7s (Dallas, TX)
  • August 9 – Horseshoe 7s (Shreveport, LA)

Minimum Hosting Requirements:

  • Tournament must have a minimum 8 teams in the Men’s Division and 4 teams in Women’s Division
  • Tournament must agree to submit seeding and brackets to TOLA board for approval and revision prior to commencement of tournament
  • Tournament must provide adequate shade, seating and water for referees

If you would like your tournament to be considered for any of the open dates above, please submit all bids to TRU Director of 7s Competition, Filip Keuppens at prior to May 25th, 2014. Questions can be directed to Filip at (716) 435-5757.

Additionally, please submit all tournament dates (whether it is a qualifier or social tournament) to as soon as possible in order to allow adequate staffing and participation planning to take place.