RRRC Chair & Committee Members Election and Nomination Process

Red River Rugby ConferenceThe RRRC Terms of Reference provide an outline for submitting nominees for the Chair and RRRC Committee Members.

Chair Nomination and Election (beginning with the 2015-16 competitive cycle)

  • A member of the Competitive Region (CR) Committee within a CR can put forth a replacement nominee.
  • A majority vote within the CR Committee will elect the Committee Chair. In case of tie, National Competitions Committee Chair will serve as tie breaker vote.

On 6/18/14, Alan Sharpley was reconfirmed as the RRRC Committee Chair after a vote of confidence of the current RRRC Committee.

Committee Members Nomination and Elections
All appointed members of the CR Committees will be on automatically renewing one-year terms unless:

  • Committee member resignation
  • A team calls for an election and nominates a new candidate as the representative for their Division & Gender
    • Should a seat be vacated or challenged, nominations will be accepted and the clubs within that Division will vote in a general election for the representative(s) of their division. In the case of a tie, the Committee Chair casts the deciding vote.

Outline of Committee Members (these members are recommended by the current RRRC Committee to serve for the 2014-15 season)
Division 1: Kirk Tate, Jeff Kolberg
Division 2: Doug Corrigan, Luke Turner
Division 3: Otis Parker, Travis Hughes
Women: Wendy Young, Open
Referees: Greg Varnell
Sevens: Gregg Jarvis
At Large: Ron Watson

Chair (Already confirmed): Alan Sharpley
Chair’s Appointee: (TBD)

Please note that Kyle Lubbers and Steve “Bloo” Daniels have resigned from the RRRC Committee. Luke Turner has been serving as interim D2 member in place of Kyle Lubbers. His position was confirmed as RRRC D2 Rep by the Committee on June 18, 2014.

The Committee has voted to include a second women’s rep. Nominees for the second women’s rep are now being accepted and can be sent to the Chair, Alan Sharpley. Any elections and nominations need to be made within five business days of this posting, July 7, 2014.

If a team would like to call for an election and provide a nominee for any other members, please contact the RRRC Chair, Alan Sharpley.