Spring Fitness – TRRA

Texas Rugby Referee AssociationThe spring is here and it’s time for fitness testing again! Fitness standards have been in place for a year now, but please feel free to review. RATO feels that this allows for a more realistic pathway and holds the referee accountable for their development and fitness.

As a reference the TRRA Fitness standards were based on the current USA Rugby Fitness Standards [Beep Test]:

National Panel: Level 12
B Panel refs wanting to be considered for USA National Appts: Level 11
C1′s wanting to be considered for national appointments/B Panel: Level 10

TRRA Fitness Standards [Beep Test]:
C1s wishing to pursue USA B Panel – Achieve a minimum of Level 10
C1 – Level 9
C2 – Level 8
C3 – Level 7

NOTE: Here is the beep test audio or you can download the “Beep Test Trainer” App and it can be downloaded from iTunes here.

If a referee chooses not to take a fitness test (i.e. comply with a requirement for refereeing) then they may only receive matches well within their scope of experience related to their grade. They would also not be afforded any further opportunities for advancement/promotion and unavailable for exchanges.

Spring testing is due by Feb 15th, once completed send your results to rato@texasrugbyunion.com.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the TRRA Chair or TRRA Vice Chair with any questions.