2015 RRRC Qualifier #3 @ Tarzan Rugby Pitch, Norman, OK

OU Rugby Red River Rugby Conference 7sThe final RRRC 7s Qualifier will take place this weekend at the Tarzan Rugby Pitch in Norman, OK. There has been some shifting in the men’s pools with HARC, Prickly Pears and Oklahoma Elite not participating. This brings the men’s pool to 8 and the women’s pool stays the same at 8 as well.

At the second Qualifier last week, the reigning Austin teams stumbled a bit as the Austin Blacks bowed out in fifth place while the Dallas Reds defeated hosts Ft Worth 24-12. This has brought up a four way tie between the Austin Blacks, Little Rock, Dallas Reds and Ft Worth. Two men’s teams will travel to Nationals after the tournament this weekend.

On the Women’s side, Little Rock based ARPTC dominated on the day defeating every team by at least 30 points and eventually unseated the Austin Valkyries in the finals. All is not lost for Austin though as they can punch their ticket to Iowa with a semi-final showing at the next tournament. Only one women’s team will head to Nationals and the race is on!


Men’s POOL A

Men’s POOL B

Blacks Little Rock
Reds Ft Worth
Huns Tribe
Quins HEB


Women’s POOL A

Women’s POOL B

Austin Valks ARPTC
Little Rock HARC
Griffins HEB
Wichita Oklahoma


Field #1

Field #2

















1 9:20 AM Blacks 4 26 12 2 Quins 2 9:20 AM Reds 4 28 0 0 Huns
3 9:40 AM Little Rock 3 15 10 2 HEB 4 9:40 AM Bonobo 3 21 7 1 Tribe
W1 10:00 AM Austin Valks 7 41 0 0 Wichita W2 10:00 AM Little Rock 33 0 0 Griffins
W3 10:20 AM ARPTC 8 54 0 0 Oklahoma W4 10:20 AM Motley Played forfeit – HEB wins HEB

10:40 AM


10:40 AM


5 11:00 AM Reds 6 38 5 1 Quins 6 11:00 AM Blacks 6 36 0 0 Huns
7 11:20 AM Bonobo 3 19 17 3 HEB 8 11:20 AM Little Rock 4 28 14 2 Tribe
W5 11:40 AM Little Rock 5 33 5 1 Wichita W6 11:40 AM Austin Valks 3 19 10 2 Griffins
W7 12:00 PM Motley Played forfeit – OK wins Oklahoma W8 12:00 PM ARPTC 6 42 0 0 HEB

12:20 PM


12:20 PM


9 12:40 PM Blacks 3 19 21 3 Reds 10 12:40 PM Huns 2 12 19 3 Quins
11 1:00 PM Little Rock 1 5 7 1 Bonobo 12 1:00 PM Tribe 1 5 26 4 HEB
W9 1:20 PM Austin Valks 2 12 19 3 Little Rock W10 1:20 PM Griffins 4 22 5 1 Wichita
W11 1:40 PM ARPTC Played forfeit – ARPTC wins Motley W12 1:40 PM HEB 4 20 5 1 Oklahoma

2:00 PM


2:00 PM


Men’s Cup Semi-Finals

Men’s Cup Semi-Finals

13 2:20 PM 1st Pool A (reds) 4 24 5 1 2nd Pool B (Little rock) 14 2:20 PM 1st Pool B (Bonobo) 2 12 22 4 2nd Pool A (Blacks)

Women’s Cup Semi-Finals

Women’s Cup Semi-Finals

W13 2:40 PM 1st Pool A (ARPTC) 5 33 0 0 2nd Pool B (Austin) W14 2:40 PM 1st Pool B (Little Rock) 3 19 5 1 2nd Pool A (HEB)

Men’s Bowl Final (7th/8th)

Women’s Bowl Final (7th/8th)

15 3:00 PM 4th Pool A (Huns) 1 5 19 3 4th Pool B (tribe) W15 3:00 PM 4th Pool A (Wichita) Not Played 4th Pool B (motley)

Men’s Plate Final (5th/6th)

Women’s Plate Final (5th/6th)

16 3:20 PM 3rd Pool A (Quins) Score not reported 3rd Pool B (HEB) W16 3:20 PM 3rd Pool A (Griffins) 3 17 14 2 3rd Pool B (Oklahoma)
3:40 PM


3:40 PM


Men’s Cup Consolation (3rd/4th)

Women’s Cup Consolation (3rd/4th)

17 4:00 PM Loser Game #13 (Little Rock) 3 19 10 2 Loser Game #14 W17 4:00 PM Loser Game #13 (Austin) 29 0 Loser Game #14 (HEB)

Men’s Cup Final (1st/2nd)

Women’s Cup Final (1st/2nd)

18 4:20 PM Winner Game #13 (Reds) 3 21 28 4 Winner Game #14 (Blacks) W18 4:20 PM Winner Game #13 (ARPTC) 14 40 0 0 Winner Game #14 (Little Rock)

Full results in PDF version.


We’ll be using #RRRC7s, join in on the conversation!


Qualifier #1 – 6/27/15

Qualifier #2 – 7/11/15