We’ve received a record seven nominations for the TRU Women’s Club Rep. Four of the seven have accepted the nomination and their statements can be found below:
2015 TRU Women’s Club Rep – Statements
Voting rules:
Quorum is 2/3 of eligible voters (4 teams in this case). Candidate must receive more than 50% of the votes to be declared the winner. In case of a tie, the TRU President will break the tie as specified in the TRU Bylaws.
Voting Collection & Confirmation:
Wendy Young, TRU admin will conduct and monitor the voting. Traci Young, current TRU women’s rep, will assist and confirm the votes.
Review the previously posted Nomination and Election process here.
Nomination & Election Process:
Aug 10: Nominations open
Aug 16: Other nominations can be accepted at AGM
Aug 28: Nominations close
Sep 2: Nominations posted to the TRU website for review
Sep 12: Voting opens
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