2016 RRRC 7s Series – Schedule and Locations Finalized

Red River Rugby Conference 7sThe 2016 RRRC 7s Qualifier Series will consist of three tournaments featuring Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s divisions. The teams that accumulates the most points during the course of the series will be awarded a slot in the USA Rugby 7s National Championship tournament. In order to be eligible, teams must meet USA Rugby and RRRC eligibility requirements and attend two of the three* qualifying tournaments.


Entry Fees

Entry fee for each of these regional events shall be $250 per entering team. Any team in the RRRC in good standing wishing to enter a team must be allowed participation as long they meet the entry fee deadlines as outlined below. Failure to submit your entry fee prior to posted dates may result in your team being ineligible to compete in the event. The RRRC Sevens Director will settle any disputes in a team’s eligibility to compete. Entry Fees for each event shall be received by the host club on or before the posted deadline to meet eligibility.

All teams participating in any national pathway tournament (RRRC Qualifiers) will be assessed a one time administrative fee of $250 (above and beyond tournament entry fees) to assist in paying for referees and event staffing. This fee will be due on the date of the final qualifying tournament but will be waived for any team that competes in all three qualifying tournaments.

Fee Deadlines

  • #1 Team Entry Fee deadline June 18**
  • #2 Team Entry Fee deadline June 27
  • #3 Team Entry Fee deadline July 11

**We’ve extended the first fee deadline as teams have expressed the need for a bit more time.


2016 7s Competition and Tournament Rules/Regulations

7s Roster


Fil Keuppens – Men’s 7s Director
Wendy Young – Women’s 7s Director
Teshay Flowers – 7s Assistant Director


Follow the TRU on Facebook or Twitter to see updated standings and results.

Non-RRRC Tournaments

They do exist, check out the TRU Calendar. Don’t see your tournament? Submit it and we will add it to the calendar.

Hash Tag

Use #RRRC7s  or #RRRC to join the conversation!

Past Results