Your CMS logins have been distributed to each Club’s President by email. As usual we recommend reviewing the USA Rugby Competition Management System Handbook as it contains 99% of the answers you’ll need to utilize the system properly. All matches have been added in WTR and will be added into CMS shortly. Do note that teams have requested more than 85 changes and those will be input soon as well.
- Friendlies are now being added to CMS and rosters, subs, disciplinary and scores should be recorded for these matches as well.
- CMS teams, schedules and standings can be embedded into your team websites using simple iFrames. Check out page 15 in the CMS Handbook for more details.
- Confirm your schedule in WTR and CMS and let the TRU Admin know if there are any discrepancies.
- Teams need to have their rosters entered in the night before the match.
- Both sides are expected to enter their rosters, substitutions, disciplinary, and scores for each match within 72 hours (preferably faster).
- Use the forms included in this document (pages 21-23) to help collect that data. The running score, roster, and substitution form should be signed by both team captains (or coaches) and the match official for all of your matches.
That being said, if you are having trouble getting your players registered or other issues, you should contact the TRU Admin.