RRRC Competitions Committee Notes – 1/9/17

The Red River Competitions Committee will now be releasing their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes** or read on for the most recent:

  1. Opening of meeting and Roll Call – 8:00pm (A. Sharpley)
    1. Sharpley
    2. Tate
    3. Kolberg
    4. Iker
    5. Corrigan
    6. Butch
    7. Turner
    8. Watson
    9. Kurylas
    10. Hughes
  2. USA Rugby NCC Report (A.Sharpley)
    1. Sharpley: Supposed to have a meeting next Monday so nothing to report right now. PRO Rugby may have a development on 1/19 as there are some negotiations happening at the National Office.
  3. TRU report (K. Tate)
    1. Tate: Our agenda items below cover most of what I would update on. We are still monitoring compliance and # of CIPP’d players. Nothing major to report there either.
  4. TRRA report (B. Neuenschwander)
    1. Butch: 3 things:
      1. Referee Courses: We appreciate the support from the TRU and the RRRC on these events. These were not hosted by the TRU or RRRC but rather Rugby Texas. We have upcoming courses in Houston next weekend and on the 21st in Austin.
      2. Contact with the head: Reminder that the new law emphasis on contact with the head: http://texasrugbyref.com/2016/12/14/new-measures-limit-contact-head-announced-world-rugby/
      3. RRRC Championships/Rugby Texas Championships: Rugby Texas has announced their weekend and it falls on the same weekend as our Championships. I’d encourage us to work together and have this event in one place if we can.
        1. Sharpley: I agree with Butch if we could have these events together. But this really limits the number of sites that could host that many matches.
        2. Tate: Yes, it certainly makes things interesting, but I think it’s doable. It will all be about finding the right venue.
        3. Young: Note that we haven’t received any bids as of yet.
        4. Turner: We need to be sensitive that our high school teams may not want to travel to any areas outside of Texas. I think we should strongly consider NOT combining. It essentially eliminates anyone outside of Texas.
          1. Tate: Said another way, if we place a priority on Rugby Texas and RRRC but if we choose a host outside of Texas; HS teams may not travel.
          2. Kolberg: I also don’t believe that alcohol can be sold at an event where there are under age players.
          3. Tate: I’ll talk to the RT folks and see what we can explore this a bit.
      4. Turner: There was a disciplinary issue with referee abuse (disciplinary report #1248), what is the status on that?
        1. Turner: That has been turned into the TRU DC but no ruling has been made as of  yet.
  5. Status reports on Competitions
    1. Women’s Division (W. Young, H. Iker)
      1. Young: San Marcos (W) have folded and DARC will be filling in their schedule. Not a RRRC competition but wanted to let you guys know.
    2. Men’s D1 (J. Kolberg, K. Tate)
      1. Match scheduling dispute between Dallas Reds and Huns – Resolved and will be played on original date (2/4/17).
      2. Tate: Still waiting on clubs to finalize their Texas Cup schedule.
      3. Young: We’ve also told them that they may miss out on referees if they keep stalling and or not getting it done.
      4. Sharpley: Yes, we may need to give them a deadline.
        1. Young: I motion that we put a deadline in place.
        2. Kolberg: Second.
          1. Tate: I would suggest January 20th as a deadline for the Texas Cup teams to provide the RRRC and TRRA with a finalized schedule.
            1. Kolberg: Second.
            2. Sharpley: Any discussion? None. Any objections? None. APPROVED. Wendy, can you draft an email and include limitations or recommendations on dates to avoid?
              1. Young: Yes.
    3. Men’s D2/D1b (D. Corrigan, L. Turner)
      1. Corrigan: I’d recommend keeping an eye on Woodlands as they’ve had to reschedule their 12/17 match (they wanted to forfeit).
      2. Turner: Tulsa vs Little Rock (2/11) has been moved to 2/18.
      3. Young: Little Rock vs Ft Worth (1/14) will be rescheduled due to number issues from Fort Worth (not a long term issue, just a specific weekend issue).
      4. Euless use of suspended player (Dev.17 vs Little Rock)
        1. Tate: In 2015, Timote was sanctioned at the RRRC playoffs and suspended indefinitely by the TRU Disciplinary Committee. After 1 year he was eligible to reapply for reinstatement and required to disclose the disposition of any legal proceedings. I had conversations with the prosecutor so I know he was charged but wasn’t contacted again so I assume they pled out or charges were dropped. Timote participated in a match with Euless on 12/3. I spoke with Robert Tevi of Euless and he said they did discuss the suspension but assumed he was eligible after a year. I sent him the text with the sanction and we’ve agreed that he won’t play in any other matches.
          1. Tate: The TRU Board sanctioned Euless with the standing TRU Operating Policy: A written warning and a fine of $100. We’ve also had USA Rugby mark Timote Katoa CIPP status as “suspended”. Further, the TRU Disciplinary Committee will need to decide if this “ignorance” plays into his reinstatement if and when Mr. Katoa applies for reinstatement (not a TRU Board issue).
          2. Sharpley: Our policy indicates that the match should be a forfeit by Euless due to the ineligible player. The score was 20-12 in favor or Little Rock, the did NOT earn the bonus point, if we rule it a forfeit, it would give them the bonus point. The additional sanction against Euless is also a deduction of a bonus point. Any discussion? I recommend that we use the policy.
            1. Kolberg: We have to use the policy. No way that we don’t.
            2. Watson: I move that we apply the policy which would result in a forfeit and a loss of the bonus point.
              1. Sharpley: Any discussion? None. Any objections? None. APPROVED.
      5. Number of teams in D1b league (Harlequins HARC?)
        1. Corrigan: We’ve had informal inquiries from Harlequins and HARC about dropping their D1b sides. It sounds like Harlequins are resolved but I’ve been speaking with Yeoman and asked him to let me know by 5 today.
        2. Sharpley: I talked with John Dale and Harlequins are going to be able to fulfill their D1b schedule after all. Some of the HEB III guys have moved over to the Harlequins to help that roster. As for HARC, they would have to let us know by at least the week of the 21st to follow the TRU referee confirmation policies.
          1. Corrigan: I just got a text from Yeoman that they will confirm by the end of this week.
          2. Tate: At some point we have to do something, they’ve signed a participation agreement and a schedule has been provided. If a team forfeits a game, that doesn’t invalidate our league, it’s just a forfeit. At this point, we assume they are in and we move on.
            1. Sharpley: I don’t disagree, but when the Harlequins were waffling, I went ahead and scheduled the Austin Blacks D1b a few friendlies. This have been entered into CMS as friendlies but the matches will meet USA Rugby match requirements and will adhere to the eligibility guidelines. I think that all D1b clubs should look at scheduling other matches.
            2. Watson: I’ve had a couple of discussions with Yeoman about this and he keeps saying that they will just be played forfeits. This will affect the competition as far as points; one game may be 100-0 and another will be 28-0.
            3. Sharpley: As Kirk said, we have move on at some point.
    4. Men’s D3 (T. Hughes, J. Kurylas)
      1. D3-North
      2. Sharpley: HEB players have all transferred to Harlequins and so there is no HEB team now.
      3. Hughes: We’ve talked to a few teams again and no one is able to pick up the hole with HEB moving out. It may cause a small issue with number of matches, so we’ll want to keep an eye on that.
      4. Turner: So what happens when a club does sign a participation agreement but then folds?
      5. Sharpley: I would recommend we put together an ad-hoc committee to explore this. John, I know you have some thoughts on this, would you be willing head up the committee and bring us a policy by our next meeting?
        1. Kurylas: Yes, I’d be happy to.
        2. Sharpley: Would anyone else be willing to help?
        3. Watson: I would.
        4. Hughes: I’ll help.
          1. Sharpley: Great, we’ll expect to hear back from you at the next meeting.
  6. New Business
    1. Proposed policy for new teams entering a RRRC league (J. Kurylas)
      1. Sharpley: This will be covered in the ad-hoc committee that was created for reviewing the participation agreements.
  7. Close of the call (nlt 10:00pm)