At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the TRU archived minutes or read on for the most recent notes:
- Roll Call (8:05pm)
- Young
- Turner
- Tate
- James
- Tomsak
- Dodge
- Butch
- Parker
- Follow Ups from last call
- Tate: We have serious issues with CMS, missing subs, scores and the administrative work being completed. We have multiple clubs that are having issues. This incomplete data could affect overall standings, playoff calculations and promotion and relegation. I’m not a huge fan of fines but we have to get to a point where clubs understand this isn’t optional and is absolutely a requirement.
- Parker: I’m in contact with some of the teams but not all. If we continue to have problems can we threaten them with relegation?
- Tate: RRRC would have to rule on that but I think we’d have support with that. If would be easier if we created a D4 next year, which we may do. Note that the RRRC has created an ad-hoc committee to review divisional alignment for next year. I’m looking at all the clubs, # of players, etc and will make recommendations based on all the data.
- Tate: We have serious issues with CMS, missing subs, scores and the administrative work being completed. We have multiple clubs that are having issues. This incomplete data could affect overall standings, playoff calculations and promotion and relegation. I’m not a huge fan of fines but we have to get to a point where clubs understand this isn’t optional and is absolutely a requirement.
- Website Redesign (2 bids)
- RRRC Championships Location (Tulsa , OK)
- Tate: The RRRC confirmed our recommendation of Tulsa, OK. This event will include our men’s D2 and D3 as well as our Women’s D1 and D2. We will need lots of help that weekend with #4s, registration and more. I plan to be there and ask that others try to come as well.
- Parker: I’m not sure that I will be able to attend but I will do my best to get there.
- Young: I’ll be there, Nick will be there with HARC and Holly (RRRC) will be there with Oklahoma.
- RRRC 7s Series
- Bloodfest (6/17: Austin TX) – Men’s ELITE is a 2 day qualifier with pool play in the afternoon of day 1 (Saturday) and knock out rounds in the morning of day 2 (Sunday) / Women’s will remain a 1-day tournament.
- North (6/24: OK, LA or AR)
- South (7/8: Austin, San Antonio or Houston area)
- Central (7/22: DFW area)
- Tate: The RRRC has also confirmed the RRRC 7s series dates and we’ve posted that to the website.
- Dodge: Now that we have these dates I’m going to send out more information on TOLA 7s as well. I will plug these dates and mention that clubs can host both events if they’d like.
- Disciplinary
- D1 Matches with Exchange Referee
- Young: When we use USAR NP referees, the cards are sent to USA Rugby but are not reported to us. How do we want to track these and make sure they are getting reported to the TRU DC? Dodge had mentioned maybe having the assigned ARs record and report?
- Butch: We’ll put that out to our ARs as that is the easiest solution anyways. They to do a match report already so that makes sense to me.
- Young: With the above issue I realized that when checking CMS I wasn’t confirming cards. Since we have policies for multiple cards, we really should be tracking this data and confirming it.
- Tate: Yes, this is an area that we haven’t been doing so well on. We have all the data and it’s in our database and our TRU DC is aware of it but isn’t being actively tracked. I would say that we need to remind our constituents to behave and that yellow cards can have more repercussions. We’ve alerted the TRU DC and they are aware of it as well.
- Dodge: Where is the multiple cards regulations found? Is that in law?
- Tate: Not law but in the World Rugby Disciplinary guidelines and USAR and TRU default to those. In theory every competition in the USA is playing under these guidelines.
- D1 Matches with Exchange Referee
- Forfeits
- 3/4 Houston Arrows vs Lonestar – Arrows forfeited due to injuries.
- 3/18 Dallas Quins B vs Austin Huns B – Quins forfeited due to no lack of eligible front row players
- Tate: Both teams (Quins D1b and HARC D1b) have had two forfeits already. Would we like to apply our policy of a $50 fine?
- Dodge: Any reason to not assess the fine? These are both “grown up” clubs.
- Tate: I can’t really think of one, I think we need to do something to encourage these clubs to meet their obligations.
- Dodge: I will say that I don’t think the fines change behaviors. But if that is the policy, we should follow it.
- Tate: I couldn’t agree more, this fine doesn’t change behavior but it is part of our policy.
- Turner: I make a motion to impose the fines for Quins D1b and HARC D1b.
- Dodge: Second.
- Tate: Any objections? NONE. APPROVED.
- Field complaints
- Abilene vs Alliance – Abilene field undersized
- Tate: I received a complaint this weekend that the field was terribly undersized and mismarked. Our policy doesn’t necessarily include the size but perhaps one of us could reach out to discuss this with them?
- Parker: I’ve been talking with Abilene and Alliance through email today. I’ve confirmed him with they need to correct the little things, if they can’t control the width of the field, that’s fine.
- Butch: I also got a call from the assigned referee because he was concerned as well, he couldn’t see any of the lines on the pitch and he mentioned the narrowness of the field. He did indicate that it was safe to play but there were just extremely poor markings.
- Austin Huns D3 vs Corpus Christi Crabs – Corpus field unsafe (concrete marked with yellow penny)
- Tate: I also received a complaint about the Corpus field. There is an exposed concrete area that was marked with a yellow penny that was concerning. I’ll call the Crabs and talk to them about the concrete since Otis is already dealing with Abilene.
- Abilene vs Alliance – Abilene field undersized
- Fines
- OKC non-CIPP’d referee
- Euless (Ineligible player)
- Alliance (Ineligible player)
- Pending RRRC ruling of appeal – now going to USA NCC for appeal
- OKC non-CIPP’d referee
- New Club Criteria Proposal (Kurylas)
- Tate: We’ve discussed this a bit on the RRRC but John Kurylas put this together to try and address some of the issues we are having with new clubs. Think of it as a roadmap or guidelines of what they need to do so that when they enter competition they are more able. I’d recommend that we all review and we can have some email discussion and talk about it on our next call.
- Dodge: Jurisdictionally is that our call or a combination with RRRC?
- Tate: We determine if a club can join the TRU and then the RRRC determines their level of competition.
- Tate: We’ve discussed this a bit on the RRRC but John Kurylas put this together to try and address some of the issues we are having with new clubs. Think of it as a roadmap or guidelines of what they need to do so that when they enter competition they are more able. I’d recommend that we all review and we can have some email discussion and talk about it on our next call.
- Global Law Trials – March 1st
- Head Injury Assessment Reminder
- USA Rugby Transfer & Registration Deadlines (April 1st)
- Board Nominations
- President – Sep 2017 (3 year term)
- Vice President – Sep 2017 (3 year term)
- Congress – Sep 2017 Yeoman (2 year term)
- New Business
- Dodge: Do we know if any of the CMS concerns above are going to affect our teams come playoff time? Was this talked about on the RRRC call last week?
- Tate: Yes, this was talked about for quite a bit. Right now we don’t quite know but we’re trying to get in front of it. The main concern the RRRC had was that teams may not meet their USA Rugby match requirements, mostly D1b teams. This is also partly why the RRRC created the ad-hoc committee to try and make sure this doesn’t happen again.
- Adjourned (9:31 pm)
- Dodge: Motion to adjourn
- Tomsak: Second