Oklahoma University Rugby Football Club
(A Registered Student Organization at OU)
Norman, Oklahoma, June 24, 2017– 3 Divisions: Red River Rugby (RRRC) Conference National Championship Qualifier (Men and Women) – TOLA (Texas-Oklahoma-Louisiana-Arkansas) Open Division (Men and Women) TOLA High School Division (Young Men and Young Women)
Three excellent venues to watch and play rugby! The John Crain Stadium, The AL Velie Rugby Complex, and The OU Intramural Fields all located around the Lloyd Noble Center in Norman Oklahoma. Tickets are $5.00, only $3.00 if you bring a can of food to donate to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. Food and Equipment Vendors will be present.
Team Registration is $250.00 per team for RRRC and TOLA. High School Teams are $150.00. Entertainment after the matches will be in the historic “Campus Corner” area where our sponsors will be judging your “Twist and Shout” themed costumes. $100.00 first place prize!
The Oklahoma University is proud to support the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.
Oklahoma University Rugby Football Club is committed to diversity and inclusion, reaching all communities in our University setting through sport
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Joseph Ward at 512-695-3794 or email at idahojoe.07@gmail.com.
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