RRRC Competitions Committee Notes – 3/12/2018

The Red River Competitions Committee will now be releasing their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:

  1. Roll Call
    1. Young
    2. Dodge
    3. Watson
    4. Kolberg
    5. Kurylas
    6. Dale
    7. Turner
    8. Gross
    9. Hughes
    10. Tolar
    11. Fosco
      1. Regrets
        1. Fil Keuppens
        2. Scott Green
  2. Followups
    1. Championships
      1. Dodge: I received a reservation for Old Settlers Park for the Friday night RRRC matches. They are still hoping to play all matches at Burr Field but lights are still in progress.
      2. Kirk: Have you guys talked about KO times?
      3. Young: No, we’re kind of waiting to see who is in as we want to be sensitive to travel.
      4. Hotel Block
        1. Young: Book by Apr 22; there are several large events in Austin that weekend, so don’t wait on this.
        2. Kolberg: Do we think we should encourage the participating teams to go ahead and book?
        3. Young: Yes! Even if you aren’t positive you are going to make it, book rooms and then you can cancel if eliminated.
      5. USAR West Playoffs to be played in Ft. Worth
        1. Dodge: With the USAR West Playoffs being in Ft Worth it may help alleviate the travel burden on the TRU. CIPP registration is down which means revenue is down.
        2. Young: Yes, we are still about 13% under what was registered at this time last year.
    2. Hall of Fame Banquet
      1. Young: Same hotel block as RRRC Championships so make sure to book now!
    3. Competitions
      1. 3/10 DARC vs Tulsa (Tulsa cancelled due to low numbers, will be rescheduled)
        1. Dodge: We’ve had this come up before in the season with Abilene. The Reds did agree to reschedule the match and that has been updated on the calendar. The precedent for that match was that the hosting team could choose if they wanted to reschedule.
        2. Tolar: Does the forfeit get applied automatically?
        3. Dodge: I believe it’s up to the forfeited teams if they want to reschedule.
        4. Tolar: DARC has been working with Tulsa (Luke) to reschedule, it’s in progress and should be played.
        5. Dodge: Does that impact the number of matches needed to be playoff eligible?
        6. Tolar: I feel like we’re one team less in the North and we may be at nine matches with that.
        7. Young: As far as I understand it the standard has been that the match must be rescheduled. Only IF a replay date couldn’t be determined would the forfeit stand.
        8. Kolberg: When did Tulsa bail out?
        9. Tolar: It was early Saturday morning.
        10. Kolberg: Completely different story than if they call you on Tuesday. In my memory if they call you at the last minute it is up to the team that was forfeited on. If they let you know ahead of time its a choice.
        11. Watson: It’s been done both ways and it’s been different all across the board. Luke, have you guys talked about a reschedule date?
        12. Turner: Like Karl said, we’ve been working on that. There are a number of other reschedules in the North due to bad weather. We also need to reschedule our match against the Harlequins. Karl and I were waiting until that was set first.
        13. Watson: We always try to get them rescheduled because it’s usually better than a 28-0 score line.
        14. Dodge: That actually shouldn’t matter with the point breaker policies that were put in place. I just looked up the RRRC forfeit policies and it doesn’t really speak to this. It mostly references bad weather or cancellations that are done well in advance. It sounds like there is a desire on DARCs side to reschedule the match so we will see if that happens. Any objection to doing that? None.
    4. Book Policy – DRAFT
      1. Dodge: This looks pretty good to me, I’m not sure how many of you have reviewed it. I think we should roll it out as well as the playoff formats, new tie breaker policies and effects of multiple yellow cards in a year. Then we can schedule some times where members can do a book check. Ron came out and did a surprise check at our match this weekend. Ft. Worth didn’t have a book at all and the Reds had our digitally. We need to get this out so we don’t run into any problems at the playoff level. Once we publish this, I’ll reach out and schedule a few book checks.
      2. Kolberg: When you got Westerns and Nationals are electronic books allowed?
      3. Young: There was some discussion on Facebook that the Austin Valkyries had a digital book last year but it wasn’t allowed. They had to scramble…
      4. Dodge: I’ll add that to the agenda for the NCC in-person meeting under new business.
      5. Kolberg: If that’s the case, we need to get a determination from USAR.
      6. Watson: There are some guidelines that certain jerseys need to be certain numbers. Then that information needs to match what is in CMS and the data that is collected by the team.
      7. Dodge: Sometimes that is just a function of jersey size vs body size. Normally the way I’ve seen that handled is making a notation on the paper roster and then later in CMS.
      8. Young: I can publish the book policy tomorrow along with the other two reminders.
      9. Dodge: I’ll take one more look at it after this call but I’d like to get it out sooner rather than later.
      10. Dale: There used to be a way you could verify someone’s identity through USA Rugby. Maybe you should approach them and see if there is a way to do this?
        1. Young: UPDATE 3:27 – APPROVED guidelines were posted: https://texasrugbyunion.com/2018/03/27/rrrc-club-eligibility-book-procedures/
    5. 7s Series Dates
      1. Dodge: Fil couldn’t be here tonight but he passed along this information:
        1. June 30 is Open qualifier date. RRRC can put in a bid to host this. We’d get second shot (Norcal getting the first) to host. Decision is made by 7s competition committee (i.e. Game Board)
        2. Updated TENTATIVE RRRC Qualifier dates:
          1. 6/16 – USA vs Scotland 15s
          2. 6/23 – Bloodfest 7s (Austin)
          3. 6/30 – USA Rugby West Open Super Qualifier (hoping to be in the TRU)
          4. 7/14 – OPEN – will request bids
          5. 7/21 – RWC 7s
          6. 7/28 – OPEN – will request bids
          7. 8/11 – 8/12 – USA Rugby National 7s
        3. Game Board “Handbook” forthcoming
    6. New TOR draft is being circulated in the NCC
      1. Dodge: Once it’s finalized we will share with all members.
  3. New Business
    1. Playoff Format and Tie-Breaker Reminders
      1. Dodge: Most of the playoff formats are the same, only variance this year is MD1 and WD1
        1. MD1: Two matches on Friday (four teams), final on Sunday
        2. WD1: Only needed if there is a tie at the top of the standings. They would play on Sunday, May 6 if needed.
          1. Dodge: Wendy, can you post these formats along with all of the others as well as the tie-breaker reminders?
          2. Young: Yes
    2. Yellow Card Policy Reminders
      1. Dodge: Please re-publish this again as well.
      2. Young: You got it.
    3. Dan Payne resigning as USA Rugby CEO after San Francisco 7s
      1. Dodge: For those of you that haven’t heard, Dan Payne is stepping down as CEO after RWC 7s. My understandings is that the Board is going to go through an entire search process.
      2. Watson: There are a lot of new things that are going to hit the pavement in the next few weeks.
    4. NCC In-Person Meeting –  April 13-15, 2018 in Dallas, Texas (Need any issues you want discussed by March 26).
      1. Kolberg: Where is this going to be?
      2. Dodge: Undecided, Erik Geib was gathering options. I’ve offered up a few places and Erik was looking around on his own.
      3. Kolberg: Let us know, we have connections with the City of Irving.
      4. Dodge: OK, noted. Also if there are any issues that you want brought up, please share with me.
      5. NCC Discussion re: Changing Contiguous Side/Eligibility Rule 3.5
        1. Dodge: This will be discussed at the in-person meeting but wanted to let our members know about it in advance. It’s still being discussed but the idea is that players can only be on one roster. If you have any thoughts on that, please let me know.
    5. CSC adopted a NO rule around movement of players between Club and MLR
      1. Dodge: There are NO rules around the movement of these players at this time.
      2. Kolberg: What was the vote on that and what was the discussion?
      3. Dodge: It was a CSC decision which is the committee above the NCC.
      4. Kolberg: I think that would be a very interesting thing to know, I’m wondering if this was geographically tied to where MLR teams are right now. I would be very interested to see how that voting discussion went.
      5. Dodge: I can certainly ask but I’m not sure I will get anywhere. The players still have to meet the Club playoff eligibility requirements but the idea is that the players can move freely without restriction.
  4. Adjourned (8:49 pm)
    1. Watson: I move we adjourn
    2. Hughes: Second