TRU Board Notes – 8/21/2018

At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the TRU archived minutes or read on for the most recent notes:

  1. Roll Call
    1. Young
    2. James
    3. Green
    4. Tate
    5. Dodge
    6. Parker
    7. Tomsak
  2. Followups
    1. Schedules
      1. Tate: Dodge and the RRRC have been circulating draft schedules. Dodge, when will those be available?
      2. Dodge: Yes, we sent out drafts last night and requested an email vote from the committee. Then we will release it to the teams and request that any updates go through the normal change form.
      3. Tate: As a FYI for the Board, the RRRC went ahead and drafted MD4 and WD3 to help with referee resources. We of course have input on it but enough members are on both committees that it was most efficient to have RRRC start with a draft.
        1. Tate: We have also received a draft from the Lonestar women for their 15s and 7s matches. They have some 7s in the Spring but their 15s is in the Fall so that should be better for referee resources.
        2. Young: Kirk, did you reply to Frank about the 7s locations?
        3. Tate: I did, but we should follow up.
      4. Dodge: Ok, once the LSWC schedule is ready send it to Travis and he can drop it into the master schedule. Also note that we’re trying to have no more than 15 matches on any given Saturday and with the addition of the LSWC we’d like to keep that balance.
    2. AGM
      1. RSVPs
        1. Tate: For the AGM on Sunday, we’re up to 35 individuals, 18 clubs. This is less than half of our clubs so we’ll discuss again about virtual opportunities. Any questions about that? None.
      2. Board/Congress Nominations
        1. MD2
          1. Bill Taute, Austin Blacks
          2. Zachary Hiller, HURT
            1. NOTE: Bylaws state “Clubs that compete in multiple divisions, shall only be able to vote for their highest Divisional Director.”
        2. MD3
          1. Chad Mooney, Shreveport
          2. John Kurylas, Grand Prairie
        3. Congress
          1. Ron Watson, Incumbent
          2. Molly Whitman, Dallas Harlequins (W)
          3. Holly Iker, Oklahoma (LSWC)
          4. Sallie Buckner, HARC (W)
      3. Financials
        1. Tate: We’ll review this in-depth at the AGM but wanted to provide an overview for the Board. What you’ll see is that CIPP numbers are down but when you look at budget we are still almost cash in, cash out basis. Where we’re spending our money has changed this year over last year, this will be a big topic of discussion on Sunday morning.
          1. All Stars: Cheaper than anticipated, we made some funds up there
          2. Travel Grants (clubs): Teams only had to travel to Dallas, so that had lots of savings.
          3. Referees: This is where we had an big overspend, budgeted $64k and we hit $86k. Part of that is the 7s tournaments, we need to bill some of the hosts to cover TOLA referees, we added MD4 and WD3 (more games) and travel for referees was up this year. This coming season it will go up again as we’ve added LSWC matches. We’ll of course collect more dues from them but they are mostly smaller groups at this point.
          4. Administrator (Wendy): We gave Wendy a raise this year but we also asked her to do more than we’ve ever asked before. Holding two major events in one year has elevated her hours as well (2 HOFs and a Summit in 2017-2018).
        2. Tate: We didn’t break the bank this year as we saved money in other places but when we budget for the upcoming fiscal year we have to give some hard thought to where we spend our money. There are things that are of course non-negotiable but we need to start weighing up how manage everything we want to do as a Union. We will also need to discuss due increases again to match inflation.
          1. Dodge: Kirk, do we have a referee cost per match from last year to this year? So we can do apples to apples?
          2. Tate: That’s a great idea, I haven’t done that yet. I can have that ready for Sunday.
          3. Tomsak: Right, it just seems odd that we have less CIPP’d players but more games?
          4. Tate: It doesn’t seem that odd to me, but maybe it’s perhaps because I coached San Marcos this year. Last year we had 50 players and one team; this year we had 2 clubs and 50 players. So we added games but not necessarily people.
    3. Summit
      1. Tate: We’re looking really good, all the Summit courses are FULL, 72 attendees.
    4. Atavus Events
      1. Tate: Atavus is collecting the registration fees for this but we will get a check from them for the coaching registration courses. There is still room in both of their courses, sign up at
    5. HOF
      1. Tate: We’ve sold more tickets than ever before, 112 attendees. I did have a conversation with Paul Mabry and we will be talking to the members on Sunday about them funding the banquet. Then any money generated off the banquet would be profit instead of offsetting the costs. One thing he did ask was that we put a line item into our reporting that the contributions of the HOF members are counted separately. I let him know that we can definitely do that and have that transparency. Paul has made it clear that the HOF would like to make sure that no player CIPP money is going towards the HOF event. That is great, we’ve spent money on this to sincerely honor those who have made our Union great but we need the help in offsetting that cost.
    6. RRRC/TOLA 7s
      1. TOLA 7s
        1. Huns won men’s
        2. Austin Valkyries won women’s
      2. RRRC
        1. Dallas Reds: Attended 7s Nationals and won the Plate. I believe this is the best a team has performed for the men’s competition in a long time.
        2. APRTC Blue/White: Attended 7s Nationals and finished 4th overall.
          1. Tate: This is the best performance we’ve had in years (ARPTC continues to do well ever year) and CONGRATULATIONS to all the teams.
          2. Tate: Dodge, I heard that some of your 7s players weren’t able to participate?
          3. Dodge: Correct, the USA Rugby 7s Game Board has changed the residency rules and that affected a few of our players. One example is a green card holder who attended Texas A&M, played in the NFL but wasn’t allowed to participate.
          4. Tate: I was surprised by that as well, I signed off on your roster and approved all the players. It really bothers me to find out the rules have changed later.
          5. Dodge: Right, we played the whole season with the RRRC and included those players but evidently at USAR it was different. We understood the change to be that the 36 month eligibility was going away, but not green card eligibility.
          6. Tate: Players deserve better than that, you and I should probably sit down and have a chat about this. We can make our displeasure known and at the very least that this next season we have certainty for our players.
          7. Dodge: Agree, I think part of the issue is that no one from our region was included on the Game Board. So rulings popped out of their and the distribution and communication was lacking. But I am part of an ad-hoc USAR committee that is reviewing player eligibility and there will be some other updates coming. I’ll make a point to get any changes out to our teams before matches start.
          8. Tate: And these changes would have NO impact on our MD4 and WD3?
          9. Dodge: Correct, it only applies to divisions that are following a USA Rugby National Pathway.
    7. New Clubs
      1. HEB
        1. Tate: HEB has reached out again about re-joining the TRU. My response to them was that you are to late for RRRC play. We might be able to work you into MD4 but would recommend that you play socially this year. The RRRC and the TRU went through heroic efforts for Euless and it was a failure. I think at this point if you want to compete you need to be on top of this in May and June.
        2. Dodge: Did we have any new clubs this year?
        3. Young: We had several inquiries but nothing came to fruition.
  3. Operating Procedures Annual Review
    1. Young: Updated July 2018 with CMS update to 48 hours. Please send other requested updates to me.
    2. Tate: Ok, I haven’t heard any concerns about the forfeit rules or anything in the operating procedures. Is that still the case?
    3. Dodge: Yea, we didn’t have any major problems and we got the forfeit changes out to the clubs ahead of time. So I don’t believe the RRRC has any requested updates.
    4. Young: I’m not positive that I’ve updated the new forfeit rules but I will check that this weekend.
  4. New Business
    1. CMS Deadline
      1. Parker: Is the CMS deadline now Monday at 5pm?
      2. Tate: Yes, Monday at 5pm. If somebody who plays a game on Sunday and needs an extension we can handle that individually.
    2. Referee Agreement
      1. Tate: Scott, I’d like to get together and have a written agreement together earlier than last year. I will also be talking with Fil Keuppens about 7s and how to handle the referee allocation.
      2. Scott: Yes, of course.
    3. Farewell to Otis
      1. Tate: Otis, you’ve been on the TRU Board for many years and we really really appreciate it. Enjoy your freedom and we’ll see you around the rugby field!
      2. Otis: Thank you.
  5. Meeting Adjourned (8:57 PM)