The TRU has once again partnered with TRRA to host a referee course in the DFW area on January 5, 2019. Referees are incredibly short in this area and if we don’t grow the pool matches may be moved to Sunday as a result.
Course Details
The Level 1 Officiating Certification consists of online pre-course work and attendance at an in-person clinic. The course is largely practical so come dressed to run/move around (as much as your body will allow) and participate fully in the clinic.
When: January 5, 2019
Where: St. Philip’s School – 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Dallas, TX 75215 [MAP]
Cost: $75
Course Host: David Dodge
Pre-course Registration Requirements. Students must complete the following World Rugby online modules available at the World Rugby Passport website. First, register with WR on their Passport website that you will access with the noted links. After completing each module, download the certificate you will receive from WR and email it to where it will be uploaded into your USA Rugby member profile. The three WR modules to be completed in order to register for this course are:
- The online WR law exam found at
- World Rugby’s online Rugby Ready program found at
- The WR Concussion Management for the General Public module found at
Once the certifications have been added to your profile (To be completed within 1 Business Day of email to, you will be able to register for the course on this page.
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