The Red River Competitions Committee releases their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:
- Roll Call
- Young
- Dale
- Dodge
- Kueppens
- Kolberg
- Kurylas
- Singiser
- Hughes
- Nezat
- Tolar
- Watson
- Fosco
- Follow ups
- NDS Report
- Nezat: A solid program and I enjoyed all of the course content. I attended Denver last year as well and thought this year was better. But there was some complaints about location and isolation.
- Dodge: So you’re saying that you felt like Houston was better?
- Nezat: Yes, I thought it was much more superior. They brought us together for lunch and hosted a Q&A. That brought up some very interesting questions from the audience.
- Watson: Were you surprised that the Board wasn’t there?
- Nezat: To say I wasn’t surprised would mean that I went in with that expectation. I don’t follow that as much as some of you do. But it would have been nice to put a face to a name.
- Book Checks
- Dodge: Do we have any outstanding book checks that weren’t completed since the last call? I don’t think that we did. I’ll look at the upcoming schedule and assign another round. Any questions or comments on that?
- DFW Level 1 Referee Clinic Report
- Dodge: We had 13 participants and they varied in age from college to senior. Some have recently left the sport and are looking to give back. A few others look like they will be good candidates. Shawn Martin came out and assisted with the course and he has already started integrating them into new matches. Two participants got to AR with comms with Shawn last week and they really enjoyed it. We’re looking to get these folks more integrated and more opportunities to participate. We have some youth tournaments coming up and we’ll see if they can help out there.
- USA Rugby Championships (Bids)
- Young: I believe the Austin Valkyries put in a bid at Nixon Lane for round of 8. Just checking to see if we’ve heard of any others?
- Watson: I saw a social media post about someone asking where to send the bid. It should go to James Wilbur.
- Young: I would recommend using USA Rugby hosting form:
- Dodge: I’ve heard they are getting close to making a decision, if anyone else is contemplating they need to do it ASAP. On the last NCC call, Kurt Weaver indicated that their were a couple of bids from the Pacific NW. I did follow up with Bill Taute about the Austin Blacks bid and they haven’t heard anything back yet.
- Kolberg: Did they put in a bid?
- Dodge: I thought that they had and he acted like they had.
- Kolberg: We have to hope like hell that it doesn’t go to the Pacific NW, that will be very very expensive.
- Watson: Location is being considered, cost for anything on the coasts is a concern. They are looking for more in the middle of the USA.
- Hughes: I’m pretty surprised that we don’t have a for sure bid in for this. I think we should have a host bid in EVERY single year. It’s a huge advantage financially and for home field. I don’t know if we need to add it in to the agenda every fall or a sub-committee?
- Dodge: Yea, I think that while it’s fine for the RRRC to encourage bids at the end of the day, the host club has to do the lion share of the work. I’d like to bring up on the TRU call a potential subsidiary for host clubs. It’s getting more and more expensive to host these events as USA Rugby leans on those hosts quite a bit. It’s harder and harder to make money on these events.
- Young: Last year Kirk had asked me to try and find a few stadiums in Texas and submit bids. But we couldn’t get fields or most venues we checked were already booked. It seems that most places are getting their fields at least a year in an advance.
- Kolberg: That’s a good point, good venues are booked well in advance. Maybe we can mention that to USAR since they only request bids 5-6 months in advance.
- Young: I’ll add this to the TRU Board Call agenda as well for further discussion.
- Keuppens: It’s early but we should be thinking about hosting the USAR Rugby 7s Nationals Champions or even one of the Super Qualifiers.
- RRRC Elections
- MD1 – Kolberg, Justin Hale
- MD2 – Hunter, Marcus Leming
- MD3 – Hughes
- WD1 – Young
- 7s – Keuppens
- Young: After opening nominations for another couple of days, we received two additional nominations. That would be Justin Hale of the Austin Huns for MD1 and Marcus Leming of San Antonio for MD2.
- Dodge: We need to get out an announcement of the contested races and explain the voting again.
- Young: Yes, I use a template and it does include language of who can vote. Last time we listed the eligible clubs and I’ll do the same again.
- NDS Report
- Tim Singiser – MD4/WD3 Rep (At-Large Rep)
- Dodge: I’ve invited Tim to join the committee and he will sit for the Chair appointed At Large position. In the past this has been used by NOLA and Glendale but felt that having Tim on as a TRU MD4/WD3 was prudent.
- Young: For the notes, Tim has the same rights as the other members of the committee?
- Dodge: Correct, same rights as other committee members. I also ran this by the USAR NCC as a deviation and it was approved.
- RRRC Championships Host Bid Request
- Who will participate?
- MD1 winner automatically advances to a SF against PRP/CA team
- WD1 winner automatically advances to the USAR Round of 8
- MD2 winner will participate in RRRC Championships as they traditionally would
- WD2 winner will participate in RRRC Championships as they traditionally would
- MD3 wildcard round
- Dodge: New this year, will put teams from different sub regions against each other.
- Young: I don’t think this has been updated on the website, can someone write something up for me and I’ll get it corrected?
- Dodge: Travis, can you handle that?
- Hughes: Yes.
- Host Bids
- Young: I have a template for this, are we ready to post?
- Dodge: Yes, and when do we want to close the process? What about end of February?
- Young: Yes, that will give us plenty of time to make a decision and let the teams know.
- Dodge: Ok, and I do think we could include # of fields, and a prospective schedule. Do we think we could include the TRU matches this year?
- Young: With the MD1 and WD1 not participating, it could work this year. I’ll add the the TRU Board Call agenda.
- Kurylas: The schedule that Travis put out had April 13.
- Young: I’ve seen various weekends so I’ve added it to the TRU Board call agenda as well.
- Dodge: Tim, what do you think about combining the events?
- Singiser: I think it could be good and teams that have multiple sides could cut down on travel.
- Dodge: Those teams would need to have separate rosters though and they are locked.
- Singiser: True, but if they know ahead of time it can work.
- Hughes: I think it’s a good idea but the only downside I see is that they would have a pretty big break before Championships.
- Singiser: Yes, our last match is the last weekend of March. Big break before May.
- Dodge: Ultimately merging would be a TRU decision so we’ll discuss it next week on that call.
- Young: Ok, I will hold off on posting anything until the TRU decides.
- Who will participate?
- 7s Qualifier Schedule
- 6/22 – RRRC Qualifier 1 – Bloodfest
- 6/29 – National Super Qualifier – Locations TBD
- 7/13 – RRRC Qualifier 2 – Location TBD
- 7/22 – RRRC Qualifier 3 – Location TBD
- 8/10 – 8/11 – National Championship tournament – Location TBD
- Keuppens: We’re proposing the above schedule for RRRC 7s this year. We’ve submitted it to USAR but we’re waiting on confirmation of the Super Qualifiers and the date for National Championships. We recommend the first stop is at Bloodfest again, it falls prior to the Super Qualifiers and lines up the rest of the summer nicely.
- Dodge: On the NCC call last week, Weaver did mention that he thought that the Super Qualifiers would go forward again. I’ve heard rumors that NOLA is interested in participating in our competition again this summer.
- Keuppens: Agree, I’ve had confirmation of their interest.
- Dodge: That would again require NCC approval but don’t anticipate it will be an issue.
- Keuppens: Also, I don’t know that Tulsa or Little Rock would want to participate in our RRRC. Also unsure about ARPTC and their participation again this year. I can talk to those teams to see what they are thinking.
- Young: Is there any talk of having women’s Super Qualifiers?
- Keuppens: Right now the answer is no, with the restructuring at USAR there hasn’t been a focus on adding to it. Just keeping everything the same.
- Dodge: Ok, once we get confirmation from USAR on the schedule, I’d like to put out bid requests for these events as well. Also, are we planning on staying with the hybrid TOLA and RRRC pools?
- Keuppens: Great, we can let the teams know ASAP then. Yes, we would like to do the hybrid pools again.
- New Business
- USA Rugby Community Surveys
- Watson: In the next few weeks there will be two different surveys coming out from USAR. Surveys will be sent out to Club Presidents and GU leaders to gather information on competitions and other topics. We really want a response for this as this is their opportunity to give their input to USAR. The second survey will go to players and will be a bit shorter in length.
- Dodge: We need to make sure that we get participation from our constituents so they can make their voices heard.
- Watson: Especially in the lower divisions they really want to hear what the teams want to say. It would be wonderful if the TRU had the best response rate.
- Young: Will we know when the surveys go out so we can help push the response rate?
- Watson: We’re trying to get them out in the next 2-3 weeks.
- Young: Great, if we can have notice sent to our leadership we can then help remind the clubs.
- Watson: Yes, and a PR should be going out on the USAR website. There will be incentives to try and get responses as well.
- USA Rugby Community Surveys
- Meeting Adjourned (8:54 PM)
- Watson: I move we adjourn.
- Kolberg: Second.