7s All Hands Call – Minutes

Please see the minutes from the recent 7s All Hands Call on April 22, 2019. If you have questions, please reach out to Fil Keuppens.

  1. RRRC 7s Overview
    1. Dodge gave a quick overview of what the purpose and call agenda will be.
  2. RRRC 7s Committee
    1. Fil Keuppens
    2. Wendy Young
    3. Dave McPhail
    4. Kat Roche
  3. RRRC Schedule
    1. 6/22 – RRRC Qualifier 1 – Bloodfest, Austin, TX
    2. 6/29 – National Super Qualifier (Men’s) – Locations TBD
    3. 7/13 – RRRC Qualifier 2 – Hell or Highwater 7s, Spring, TX
    4. 7/27 – RRRC Qualifier 3 – Location TBD
    5. 8/10 – 8/11 – National Championship tournament – Location TBD
      1. Keuppens: We re-opened the bid process for the third tournament last week and we now have several that we are considering. IF you feel like you want to bid, we’ll keep the window open for at least another 48 hours. The objective is to find a venue that will discourage attrition and will be central.
      2. Keuppens: I’ll also touch on the USA Rugby National Super Qualifier (Men’s), any men’s team can attend. If you win the East or West tournament you get an automatic bid to Nationals. BUT you are still required to participate in your local RRRC tournaments in order for USAR to complete seeding.
        1. Howard: Can you confirm if these will be 2 day tournaments? Last year it was a one day since there were only 12 teams.
        2. Keuppens: I’m not sure but we will confirm. I will also check in on where the tournament will be played.
  4. Eligibility
    1. Clubs not in the TRU
      1. Keuppens:  Any team from outside the TRU / RRRC wishing to compete in RRRC 7s must submit a formal request to compete via email to the following people: RRRC chair (David Dodge – ddodge@gpm-law.com ), RRRC 7s Chair (Filip Keuppens –fkeuppens@picklepower.com ), their local CR chair, USAR (James Wilber – jwilber@usarugby.org ) and 7s working group (Howard Kent – info@denversevensrugby.com)
    2. # of Players
      1. Teams are allowed 12 players on active roster of which 9 must be US citizens (green card holders do not qualify as US citizen per IOC rules). They may also carry a 13th “injury reserve” player who may have a green card and not count against guest player cap (player may not be foreign without green card for this exemption though). 13th player may only be used if one of the original 12 players is injured and unable to continue to play in the tournament. Once the 13th player is activated, the player for whom the injured reserve player is activated may not compete for the remainder of the tournament.
    3. 2019 Changes
    4. Club Eligibility & Enrollment
  5. Proposed changes to competition document
    1. Format
      1. Keuppens: All Qualifying tournaments will feature a hybrid TOLA/RRRC points format. Teams must declare the division in which they intend to compete prior to roster submission deadlines. Teams wishing to compete for RRRC points must meet all player and team eligibility requirements set forth by USAR per National Club championship tournament eligibility guidelines. Teams wishing to compete for TOLA points must meet player and team eligibility requirements set forth by RRRC 7s committee per TOLA competition guidelines.
    2. Seeding and Bracket
      1. RRRC 7s subcommittee will be responsible for all seeding and tournament bracket scheduling and format for any qualifier event. Tournament seeding will be based on a team’s performance at qualifying RRRC/TOLA hybrid tournaments, not on standings in RRRC or TOLA. If a “seeding tournament” is identified prior to first qualifier tournament, results of seeding tournament will be used to determine ranking for first qualifying tournament, if no seeding tournament is identified, the 7s committee will seed teams based on previous year’s performance, overall performance history and competitive reputation. An effort will be made to avoid placing two teams from the same origin club in the same pools during pool play.
      2. Tournament schedule will not be amended after it is published for late entries or withdrawals. Late withdrawal teams will be barred from gaining RRRC or TOLA points for current competitive cycle and may face a 5 point deduction for following competitive cycle.
    3. Clubs under the same banner
      1. Should two teams from the same club face one another, the teams will be given the option to forfeit the match in which case a score of 18-0 will be awarded to the higher seeded team. Forfeiture must be agreed to by both teams. If it is agreed that the match will be played as scheduled, an expectation of a competitive match being played will be had. On site RRRC staff or referees will determine if one or both teams are making an effort to prevent a competitive match from taking place (ie. You can’t go out and play touch or use amended rules for 14 minutes to get a larger point differentiation against opponents).
    4. Host partners
      1. Will refrain from creating conflicting divisions such as “open, social, super social, etc” that discourage participation in RRRC/TOLA hybrid competition. Exceptions may be made for large tournaments with an adequate amount of registered RRRC/TOLA teams participating. Any exceptions must be approved by RRRC 7s committee prior to announcing tournament registration
    5. Touch Judges
      1. Each team will be expected to provide a capable touch judge for all games in pool play. While it is preferred that players in this role complete the level 1 referee course online and have completed referee or Assistant referee courses, it is expected that anyone filling this role complete their task in a fair and unbiased fashion in accordance with the law of the game and the wishes of the referee assigned to the match for which they are providing touch judge services. Failure to comply with this could result in disciplinary action taken against the team providing the touch judge up to and including forfeiture of matches, removal from tournaments or expulsion from the competition series.
  6. National Seeds
    1. 2 seeds for women / 1 seed for men + super qualifier on June 29th to earn possibility of second seed for region

Current competition document:


Current bracket structure:


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