2020 TRU Women’s Rep – Accepting Nominations

The TRU Board is now accepting nominations for an interim TRU Board Women’s representative. Molly Whitman is leaving our union in early 2020 and will continue to serve in her role until a new representative is seated. It will be a big loss but we know Molly is moving on to better and bigger things!

Individuals may nominate others or themselves by submitting a rugby resume as well as a personal statement (maximum one page) explaining why they wish to run for either position. If  others are nominated the Board will contact these individuals to determine if they accept the nomination and acquire the requested documents.

Please send nominations to the TRU Admin, admin@texasrugbyunion.com; Note that the nomination window closes Friday, January 17, 2020.

Nominations will be posted on the TRU website no later than January 24 for all members to review.

Forum @ AGM

The TRU Winter/Spring AGM will devote a period of time for each candidate to address the TRU Membership in attendance; TRU Members, Club Representatives and Board Members will be allowed and encouraged to ask the candidates questions and the candidates are obligated to give a short, but explanative response. This portion will be moderated by current TRU Board members to ensure order and effective use of time.


Electronic voting for these positions will open immediately upon adjournment of the AGM and will remain open for five (5) days. Upon the close of voting, the TRU Board will certify the election and announce the winner (provided there is not a tie and run-off needed) on Friday following the TRU Summer AGM.

Please contact the current TRU Admin or any of divisional representatives if you have questions or concerns about this process.

Nomination  Process:

Now – Jan 17: Nominees are accepted
Jan 24: Nominations posted to the TRU website for review
Jan 26: Forum at TRU AGM
Jan 26-30: Online Voting via the TRU Website (voting form sent to Club Presidents)
No later than Feb 5: Results posted to TRU Website