On May 26, USA Rugby released their Return to Play (RTP) Guidelines. The newly formed TRU RTP Taskforce has reviewed them in detail, alongside World Rugby guidelines and various state-level governors’ orders from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas.
Although we’re all anxious to get back on the pitch in some form, given that our sport involves a high level of contact even for contact sports, the rugby community must remain patient and considerate throughout the process of resuming play. The well-being of our friends, family, co-workers and teammates must remain the priority. It is on all of us to act responsibly and do our part to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Effective on June 1, 2020, all TRU locations (including Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas) will be in Stage 3 according to the USA Rugby COVID-19 Stages (page 6). Note that CIPP accident and liability insurance will NOT be active until June 1, and Stage 2 will remain in effect until that date.
All TRU Club Coaches and Administrators are expected to review the USA Rugby Return to Play Guidelines in their entirety, and utilize the checklists contained in that document, in connection with a return to any organized rugby activities. We’re also requiring all club coaches and administrators to complete the World Rugby COVID-19 Return to Play Awareness Courses listed under the “Required Materials” header below. Before beginning any activity, please send your completed WR certificates to admin@texasrugbyunion.com.
Stage 3 activities are summarized by USA Rugby as follows:
Stage 3 will allow for small gatherings with no contact to occur. But please take special notice of the below provisions:
- Group size will be determined by local government (city and county directives). Each TRU Club is responsible for adhering to the city and county directives applicable to it.
- Non-contact drills and activities WITHOUT communal equipment (balls, water coolers or bottles, hit shields, etc.) are permitted.
- Coaches are permitted on site, but social distancing protocols must be followed.
- Upon arrival, all participants must have a temperature check at each gathering.
The Taskforce will continue monitoring state government orders in our Union and will provide periodic return to play updates on Social Media.
We appreciate your patience, leadership, and willingness to act responsibly and utilize common sense as we navigate our way back to full play.
TRU RTP Taskforce Members
- Kirk Tate – TRU President
- David Dodge – RRRC Chair
- Drew Tomsak – TRU VP
- Fil Keuppens – 7s Sub-Committee
- Kat Roche – 7s Sub-Committee
- David McPhail – 7s Sub-Committee
- Wendy Young – TRU Admin
- USA Rugby Return to Play Guidelines
- Local Health Department Directory
- General Health Guidelines
- Cleaning & Disinfecting Community Facilities
- World Rugby COVID-19 Symptom Checker Form
Required Materials
- World Rugby COVID-19 Return to Play Awareness for Coaches & Players
- Coaches – Send completed certificate to admin@texasrugbyunion.com.
- World Rugby COVID-19 Return to Play Awareness for Administrators
- Administrators – Send completed certificate to admin@texasrugbyunion.com.
- Utilize USA Rugby Administrator Checklists – pages 7-9