The RRRC Competitions Committee Nomination period has ended and two seats will be contested this year: The Men’s D1 seat and the elected At-Large seat.
We wanted to provide clarification around the At-Large seats. In 2018 USAR and the RRRC committee approved an amendment to the Terms of Reference that allow for a Chair-appointed At-Large position, as well as an elected At-Large position. Ron Watson currently holds the elected At-Large position. He is running for re-election, and is being challenged by Kat Roche.
Please review the below nominees for Men’s D1 and the Elected At-Large seat:
Men’s D1
Elected At-Large
Men’s D2
- Gordon Hanlon replaces Karl Tolar; no other nominations were submitted
Women’s D2
- *Monique Fosco was nominated again and has accepted; no other nominations were submitted
Men’s D3
- *John Kurylas was nominated again and has accepted; no other nominations were submitted
Voting Rules
Each President of a TRU Club in good standing for the 2020-21 season is eligible to vote for their desired candidate in the elected At-Large position. However, only the Presidents of TRU Clubs that were to play in Men’s D1 during the 2020-21 season may vote for the contested Men’s D1 seat. The TRU Men’s D1 Clubs that are in good standing for 2020-21 are:
- Austin Blacks
- Austin Huns
- Dallas Rugby
- Dallas Harlequins
- West Houston
- Rugby HTX
A quorum is 2/3 of eligible voters in each election (e.g., 4/6 Men’s Division 1 Clubs). Candidates must receive more than 50% of the eligible votes to be declared the winner. In case of a tie, the Chair will break the tie as specified in the Terms of Reference.
Note that each Club only gets one vote, but that affiliated men’s and women’s Clubs are considered separate Clubs and each get an independent vote. For example, HARC and SHARC both get votes in the At-Large election.
If you have a question about whether your Club is in good standing with the TRU and eligible to vote, please contact Wendy Young at
Casting Votes & Updating Club Contacts
Wendy Young, TRU admin will send out the ballot to club presidents immediately after this posting.
If you don’t receive it or have additional questions, please email admin@texasrugbyunion.
We know many of you have recently elected new officers. Please use this opportunity to update your Club’s contacts with the TRU by using the Team Contact Update form.
Voting Collection & Confirmation
Wendy Young, will conduct and monitor the voting. Jeff Kolberg, RRRC Men’s D1 rep, will assist and confirm the votes. Review the previously posted Nomination and Election process. Voting will close at 5pm on July 16.
Nomination and Election Process
June 22: Call for nominations; closes July 6
Jul 12: Nominations posted to the TRU website for review and online voting opens. Voting ballot will be sent to Club Presidents via email
Jul 16 (at 5pm): Voting closes
Jul 19 (no later than): Election results posted on TRU Website