- Roll Call
- McPhail
- Norton
- Caitlin
- Arnal
- Dodge
- Kurylas
- Hanlon
- Dale
- Wegman
- Hunter
- Ozzie
- Horn
- Hanson
- Hughes
- Regrets:
- Young
- Curl
- McPhail: Saturday, August 24th,Time TBD – Hilton Austin Airport, 9515 Hotel Drive, Austin TX 78729.
- Proposed to be a combined RRRC/TRU meeting starting at 8am. Call in for those not onsite.
- McPhail: All existing members up for re-election are standing for re-election.
- McPhail: Reminder to be sent out to membership ~July 15th. Nominations run 8/1 thru 8/17.
- McPhail: Saturday, August 24th,Time TBD – Hilton Austin Airport, 9515 Hotel Drive, Austin TX 78729.
- 2024 RRRC Promotion & Relegation
- McPhail: Only outstanding item at this point is Dallas Harlequin Women. Pending further discussion from within USAR and respective teams. Possibility of a hybrid WD1 & WD2 league.
- Hunter: Recruiting of women players is a major concern for all clubs. Plan is a WD1/WD2 hybrid.
- Robinson: Plan is that the D1 and D2 women’s teams will declare divisions and play home and away. D3 will be revitalized and we used data to determine those teams.
- McPhail: Promotion of HURT seconds inclusion in D3 for 2024-25.
- McPhail: Changes to Men’s structure ratified. Women’s structure in process and to be determined by Women’s reps.
- McPhail: Only outstanding item at this point is Dallas Harlequin Women. Pending further discussion from within USAR and respective teams. Possibility of a hybrid WD1 & WD2 league.
- 15s Schedule development
- Black out date requests Deadline was for June 10th. Blackout Dates (Responses)
- Wendy or hansel@texasrugbyunion.com Hansel to Post a reminder. “Last call”
- Structure
- MD1 – Update (Norton / Dale) on Dallas Jackals. jdale@quins.com Dale and Norton to get feedback from other D1 clubs before the TRU board call. Update: majority of D1 clubs voted to admit Jackals
- MD2 – In process. Fixtures flipped from prior cycle based on top & bottom four sides.
- Request schedule alignment with D1 for multi-sided matches.
- MD3
- D3N – Update (Travis) on Tulsa. Potential Ref resources. Proposal looks good at this time. Brought a side to 7s in Dallas. 4 year commitment based on USAR regs. – Good phone call with Luke last week and see the follow up email sent out on 6/10. All initial indications are positive.
- Norton: Need more matches in TRU Men’s Division 3 1C. Only 4 sides. Perhaps set a minimum of 5 teams in each division sub conference. Crossover matches another option.
- Wegmann/Hughes: We’ll work on a solution
- Eliminating quarter final round
- MD4 – Update (Kurylas) on Waco Wombats – Not going to have a side
- WD3 – Boomers confirmed to be reactivated.
- Schedule update
- Travis – Men’s in-process. First draft due date: TBD
- Hanlon/Horn: D2 ready once other divisions in.
- Hunter/Robinson: Women’s reps figuring out structure first
- Travis – Men’s in-process. First draft due date: TBD
- Norton: At Ross Davies’ (TRRA scheduler) request, Concentrate matches where possible to allow for a single team of Refs to cover multiple matches. E.g DARC and Quins 1&2 v (Blacks/Reds/Huns)
- Gulf Coast Super Regional likely to be May 3 & 4.
- McPhail: Gulf Coast GU call on Tuesday, May 18th at 7pm.
- 2025 15s National Championship is set for May 16-18.
- Black out date requests Deadline was for June 10th. Blackout Dates (Responses)
- Summer Sevens – Arnal Prasad
- Norton: Anyone that plays in a Recognized Competitive Tournament or Qualifying Tournament then requests a transfer will need a waiver from USAR. The form is available at https://usa.rugby/club-eligibility
- Arnal: Dallas “TOLA” Results:
- Men’s Open – Huns, Quins, Dallas, Huns2, Gorilla, Dallas2, HEB, Tulsa
- Women’s Open – HEB, Quins, sHARCs, Valks, Dallas, OKC Mtn Boomers
- Eligibility Books – Arnal
- Discuss proposed change to avoid Clubs playing each other in knockout rounds – Arnal
- RRRC & TOLA Sevens Schedule – https://texasrugbyunion.com/2024/05/09/2024-rrrc-tola-7s/
- Nationals – Madison, WI Aug 10-11th
- New Business
- Senior Club Council elections – Will know results by end of month.
- New Summit / Banquet speaker – Scot Courtney to be HOF MC with Paul Mabry
- Congrats to Kat Roche & Cisco Lopez on appointment to the Paris Olympics!
- Updates to Front Row Waiver or eliminate?
- Ozzie: Most refs don’t use it. We can tell if there are not enough front row
- Norton: None of the refs want it when I go to give it to them. Let’s ditch it.
- Dale: It’s already in RX now.
- McPhail: Motion to dispose of it and get rid of it from game day. Norton/Hanlon 2nds.
- McPhail: I’ll get with wyoung@texasrugbyunion.com to pull it from game day procedures.
- Meeting Adjournment 9:44 PM
- Kurylas/Ozzie