RRRC Competitions Committee Notes – 7/10/24

The Red River Competitions Committee releases their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:

Note that meeting was moved from July 8 to 10th due to Hurricane Beryl.

  1. Roll Call
    1. McPhail
    2. Hansel
    3. Norton
    4. Caitlin
    5. Arnal
    6. Kurylas
    7. Hanlon
    8. Dale
    9. Hunter
    10. Hughes
    11. Curl
    12. Regrets:
      1. Wegman
      2. Young
      3. Ozzie
      4. Horn
    1. McPhail: Meeting scheduled for 10am to Noon (Traci)?
    2. McPhail: Get your hotel room and banquet tickets confirmed!
    3. McPhail: Wendy / McPhail: Reminder to be sent out to membership ~July 15th. Nominations run 8/1 thru 8/17.
      1. Norton: Actual voting to be by email by club presidents after AGM. 
      2. McPhail: Will get final voting due date.
  3. Summer Sevens – Arnal
    1. RRRC Standings 
      1. Huns – qualified for nationals. Pending USA confirmation
      2. HEB Hurricanes – qualified for nationals.  Pending USA confirmation.
      3. At large chances for RRRC Men are highly likely.
      4. Sevens Committee meeting notes from earlier Monday (8th) – 4 at larges remaining and RRRC Men likely to get one of the four remaining at large spots. 
      5. Discipline matter sent to DC regarding a referee abuse situation at Choctaw.
      6. Notes on Choctaw
        1. Need to have Host / TRU support Q level balls?
        2. Admin / Referee tent not logistically desirable.
        3. Teams leaving with no notice.  Dock points?
        4. Low turnout by TRRA match officials.  How to improve support / coverage.
      7. Next RRRC event is Hell or High Water (HARC) on July 13th.
      8. USA Club Nationals – Madison WI on August 10/11
    2. TOLA Standings
      1. Commish points to be updated after this weekend.
    3. McPhail/Arnal: Eligibility issue related to player transfer – Executive Session
  4. XVs Schedule development – Travis
    1. Discussion of draft
      1. Norton: If there are discrepancies between the master tab and division tabs which is the tab of record?
      2. Norton/Dale: We know there’s an action item to fix MD3 1 C. What is that?
      3. Hansel: We need to discuss standard Team naming convention in RX
      4. Norton: When we load MD3 can we please make it look like it did in 2023? See D3 link .
    2. Feedback:
      1. Norton/Dale: D1 perspective too spread out.
        1. Several examples discussed in connection with large gaps in schedule.
      2. McPhail: David to talk to MD3N teams to confirm the final number of teams in the division.
      3. McPhail: Travis to put together some options for balancing the schedule.  Circulate options by Monday.
      4. Travis: No MD3 Qtrs.  Higher seeded Semis.  TRU Finals only.
      5. McPhail: David to get with Corrigan and try to coordinate tournaments and championship weekends.
    3. McPhail: I sent an email (7/5) to the GC Presidents, requesting to schedule the next meeting to discuss the proposed agreement and keep it moving forward so it can be done prior to our AGM in August.
    4. McPhail: Executive Session discussion
  5. New Business
    1. McPhail: MD1 – All indications are that MD1 will be required by SCC to compete in GCSR this cycle (2025). No word on opposition as there are no other D1 competitions in the Gulf Coast.
      1. David will reach out to Andrew King in hopes of getting more details.
    2. McPhail: WD1 – plan has ironed out per last call.  Need to have it layered into the master schedule with Travis.
    3. McPhail: Congratulations to Michael Norton on joining SCC as the Secretary. Next meeting is July 17th.
    4. McPhail: Dodge noted that he has found a potential candidate for the SCC Treasurer position.
  6. Meeting Adjournment 9:34 PM
    1. Motion by Norton / Kiana 9:34pm