The Red River Competitions Committee releases their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:
- Roll Call
- Norton
- Caitlin
- Hunter
- Arnal
- Hanlon
- Dale
- Kurylas
- Horn
- Bayazitoglu
- Curl
- Hughes
- McPhail (pre and post call input due to flight)
- Hanson (post call input due to conflicting RX call)
- Regrets
- Young
- Wegman
- McPhail: AGM starts at 10 AM on the 24th. Virtual and in person.
- Norton: Topics?
- Kurylas: Will do financials
- Dale: Same routine as years past
- Summer Sevens
- Nationals was this past weekend:
- Arnal: Our sides did well but would note that the At-Large clubs performed better than those that auto-qualified, a bit unexpected. The Quins women placed 8th, HEB 12th and on the men’s side Dallas placed 8th and Huns placed 12th.
- TOLA/RRRC points structure
- Arnal: There was some confusion that we cleared up with help from Kat.
- Requirements for Tournaments
- Arnal: Will be setting new requirements for tournaments going forward.
- Nationals was this past weekend:
- 15s Schedule
- McPhail: Having heard no issues back from Reps with schedule lets move to approve.
- 2024-2025 Rugby Schedule Draft (4).xlsx
- Norton: Reps had forwarded to clubs on release and the review window has closed. Any issues?
- Hughes: I made some tweaks over the last few days. I hope everyone is good with it.
- Norton: Hearing no objections let’s move forward. If clubs have any other changes they want to make they will need to use the match change form. Normal fees for late changes will go into effect on September 15.
- Motion: Dale 2nd: Blake. No objections. Approved
- McPhail: On approval Hansel will get it loaded
- Norton: Can we get D3 loaded like we did in 2023? D3 2023 table.PNG
- Hansel: Will load once RX comes back online. All further changes will be via match change form.
- McPhail: We’ll need to put out a Request for Bids to Host TRU Finals.
- Kurylas: I have some dates for when bids were due. I’ll find and send out to committee
- Gordon: Lets get Dave to put his venue requirements in the minutes to have it documented. There are some new venues coming available.
- McPhail: Let’s get the request out by September/October then decided by December
- Norton: I had some eligibility questions on the WD1D2 comp. This 2024-2025 RRRC & TRU Women’s Club Structure.docx was shared with me.
- KC: We have a hybrid format. D1 and D2 with crossover matches. See above doc for more info.
- Norton: From what I see HARC 1&2 have 6 matches and everyone else has 7. If that doc is right then it’s a hybrid comp so all of them count. Can someone explain a different interpretation? Or the problem?
- Dale: It’s because their 2nd side is in D2 & part of the crossover comp. The other D1 teams play the D2 teams, but sHarcs1 can’t be expected to play sHarcs2.
- KC: There was concern from some that HARC may stack D2.
- Norton: That was a question I received too. If the schedule remains as is, I don’t think it’ll be an issue for the following reasons. Most of HARC’s D1 side matches are earlier in the season. When there are early season D2 matches they coincide with D1 matches. I’d expect most of the highlevel HARC players to be locked by Feb 1st. HARC’s D2 stand alone matches are after that.
- KC: We appreciate you helping us address some of the lingering questions Norton. To reiterate this is no different than the other multi-side clubs on the men’s side, and sHARCs will continue to follow the USAR Eligibility Guidelines.
- McPhail: Having heard no issues back from Reps with schedule lets move to approve.
- New Business
- McPhail: USA Club Rugby has started an initiative to track Rugby Xplorer issues and feature requests. As Rob Walker had volunteered to help out I asked him to take on this as a special assignment. He’ll be getting in touch with all of the TRU clubs to get feedback on RX issues, bugs, enhancement requests, etc. He’ll join the TRU/RRRC calls when appropriate as a non voting member to report.
- McPhail: There is an RX admin call going on at the same time as this meeting. I’ve asked Hansel and Rob Walker to attend.
- Norton: USAR says they’re taking down Rugby Xplorer on August 12th for the annual season rollover. They plan to have it back online by Aug 16th. Historical data to be available. Current registrations valid to the end of August.
- Norton: FYI, Elaine Vassie said she can help facilitate TRRA use of the RX Ref Module.
- Ozzie: TRRA call with Elaine scheduled for Thursday, August 22. Will hold on to Who’s the Ref just in case
- Norton: FYI, SCC minutes are now being posted. SCC 24 07 17 Agenda and Minutes – USA Club Rugby. Interesting read!
- Meeting Adjournment 8:36 PM
- Motion: Gordon/KC