The Red River Competitions Committee releases their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:
- Roll Call
- McPhail
- Norton
- Curl
- Wegman
- Walker
- Hunter
- Davies
- Hughes
- Keuppens
- Hanson – Admin
- Dale
- Kurylas
- Regrets
- Robison
- Hanlon
- Prasad
- Compliance
- Club Compliance and Registration Numbers – Texas Rugby Union
- Notable takeaways from the above link
- Some defunct clubs are still on the list. Hansel to ping Elaine at USAR to clear the roster of teams that are no longer fifteens and/or sevens active.
- Match Compliance
- Transfers into Texas from other GUs
- To keep clubs from inadvertently playing ineligible players they should request waivers for any transfers into Texas.
- We always recommend that players first submit Waiver requests to USA Rugby Eligibility BEFORE playing.
- This ensures that there are no mistakes in the paperwork process and ensures that Clubs are staying in line with required documentation from RRRC league play and through the National Championship Series.
- The waiver form is available on this page:
- There are a number of players currently being tracked that require waivers
- Players that need waivers
- Thus far, a number of the players whose clubs have been notified have sent in a waiver request which are under consideration. Some have been granted and some denied so far
- These players are ineligible to play in the TRU until a waiver has been granted. Waivers are NOT assured. Application for a waiver does not render temporary eligibility
- Some of these players have already played in an ineligible status. Those matches are considered forfeits for their clubs until and if waivers are granted.
- Policy regarding Forfeiture of Matches.
- Discussion on handling matches
- Grand Prairie MD2 vs Austin Blacks MD2 – Ruled forfeit but tabled as GP has opted to convert all matches to Reg 3.4.3 Recognized Competitive Matches for opponents. More info GP notes
- HARC MD2 vs HURT MD2, HURT MD2 vs Woodlands MD2, McAllen MD3 vs HURT MD3 – Ruled forfeits due to ineligible player.
- HURT is resubmitting Waiver (appeal) with proper documentation. If approved forfeit is retracted. Pending resolution.
- Committee recognizes HURT has grounds for appeal due to both the RX bug mentioned below and receiving player ineligibility notification only after the 3 matches had been played.
- Committee determined going forward to make our policy of contacting USA Club Rugby Eligibility Committee MANDATORY rather than optional for ALL transfers.
- Friday Noon Deadline Compliance Issues – Hansel
- Repeat offenders noted and discussed. Potential to have League Points deducted or other sanctions if violations continue to occur.
- Hansel provided a summary of TRU Admin internal process of handling waivers / transfers / clearances.
- Into TRU no notification is occuring. USA has been notified but still no TRU Admin ability to block.
- Norton summarized the last 30-45 days of interactions with the USA and our local Clubs. Also volunteered to help any club with waiver process
- RX items
- A security issue/bug was found that prevents clubs and GU admins from seeing player history outside that GU. RX team is working on a fix. ETA 3 weeks
- Coming soon you will be able to …
- see opposing team rostered player’s Member Cards in Match Day app
- add existing clubs to tournaments rather than force everyone to register to the tournament individually. Will still allow individuals to register.
- Please continue to monitor match details. Several clubs are having field issues. Several matches are TBD. Several matches have TBD times as well. Please follow RRRC protocols early and often so that all required parties are aware of weather, location, time, and other changes that may occur.
- Please have a “Match Day” person doing live input during the match (rosters, subs, scores, kicks, Cards, Etc). This will alleviate many post match issues and teams can confirm match details before leaving the field. Rob Walker is avb to help during the week with match day permissions and App related questions. Calling on Saturday at 2pm will not be of benefit.
- An issue is restricting multiple matches at one facility with the same KO time from being recorded as a result. The solution is to create venues that include field numbers which will be looked at for 2025-2026. For the current season, the venue will be changed to a random venue somewhere in the US to close the match.
- If there are time discrepancies between RX and WTR, RX is the source of truth.
- 15s
- Notable early season forfeits.
- Concern with some teams lack of numbers on CIPP roster and ability to complete a long season.
- Summary of Mens programs with potentially low totals:
- McAllen – 21 – had early forfeit
- Grand Prairie – 24 (several travel matches and has voiced concerns)
- Alamo City – 26
- Alliance – 26
- Galveston – 31 – had early forfeit
- Note: Clubs with numbers issues could utilize RCM solution suggested above for GP
- YTD registrations are 1,954 vs last year’s total of 1,746 at the end of Jan-2024.
- Forfeits & Weather items:
- Huns vs Galveston – Resolved. Galveston paid approved costs to Huns.
- San Antonio vs HARC – rained out. HARC asked the date be moved to Mar-29th (official make up date). SA would like to “explore other options”. TBC.
- Shreveport vs Blacks 3 – issues related to numbers for Shreveport.
- 7s
- “All Hands” call was held by RRRC. Led by Fil K. Attendance was light but representative of most active hosts and clubs. RRRC concerns and observations were shared. Feedback from attendees was provided. Fil to get McPhail, Arnal, & Argy to come up with options and follow-up proposals.
- Championships
- RRRC / TRU will be hosted by Dallas RFC at Lake Highlands on Saturday, April 12th. Finals Only. There are no Sunday matches, unless there is a lengthy delay on Saturday.
- Gulf Coast Super Regional will be hosted by NOLA and in New Orleans (exact site to be confirmed) on Saturday & Sunday, May 3rd-4th. Note: It will be Jazzfest weekend so all teams are encouraged to make refundable reservations as soon as location has been confirmed.
- USA Club 15s is still being sorted out. Date is Friday, May-16th thru Sunday, May 18th.
- Referees
- Ross – Please see the updated 2025 Game Mngt Guidelines from USA Rugby.
- New Business
- USA & RRRC Player Transfer Policy – see email that was sent to Committee Members on 1/11/25 from McPhail.
- Extensive discussion held regarding the subject matter. All members were engaged in back and forth questions and discussions.
- Motion put forward to continue to follow USA guidelines and policies regarding player eligibility. Friendly amendment made to add additional clarity on RRRC comps page and clearly state the importance of waivers during the registration process.
- Upheld RRRC policy that all players in NCS qualifying matches must be NCS eligible. Otherwise can play in Friendlies, MD4/WD3 or other non league matches.
- Motion was approved by affirmative vote / proclamation. Nine For, Zero Against, Three Abstain.
- Placeholder for 2025-26 Scheduling Meeting – Planning on having a “pre” meeting on Sunday after the RRRC / TRU Finals, Sunday, April 14th. Tentative 10am start and location to be confirmed. Plan is to talk about 1) Divisional changes / organization 2) Technology changes that need to be implemented 3) procedural changes that need to occur 4) discuss hosting of 2026 RRRC and Gulf Coast locations 5) other. More to come on this item but notice has been provided. Attendees will be limited to Committee Members and required guests. This is not an AGM event.
- USA & RRRC Player Transfer Policy – see email that was sent to Committee Members on 1/11/25 from McPhail.
- 2025 Hall of Fame – Houston TX
- 10th annual HOF Banquet is August 23 in Houston, TX; nominations will open shortly.
- 2025 Summit Conference – Houston, TX
- 10th annual Summit Conference is August 22-25 in Houston, TX; registrations will open in early summer.
- Meeting Adjournment 10:15 PM
- Motion: Hughes/ Norton