Many clubs have all ready been invoiced for this seasons dues. If your Club has not, here is a breakdown of the amounts owed.
Also, the TRU has dues link on the website for those teams that wish to pay via Credit Card at the following link
The online payment dues add an extra 3% handling charge collected by PayPal.
• Men’s Club Division I: $800 dues and $1100 fees
• Men’s Club Division II: $700 dues and $1000 fees
• Men’s Club Division III: $600 dues and $1000 fees
• Women’s Club: $600 dues and $600 fees
• Men’s Collegiate Division I: $600 dues and $900 fees
• Men’s Collegiate Division II: $500 dues and $800 fees
• Men’s Collegiate Division III: $400 dues and $700 fees
• Women’s Collegiate: $300 dues and $600 fees
• Social Club: $200 dues and $400 fees
• Texas Youth Rugby Association: $100
• Texas Rugby Referees Association: $100
Clubs that are playing in multiple divisions are required to pay the Dues and Fees for the Higher Division AND Fees Only for the lower division.
Please contact TRU Financial Director, David Pfleger, at the following email with any questions:
Checks can be mailed to David Pfelger’s attention: Texas Rugby Union P.O. Box 980405, Houston, TX 77098
All clubs should be paid in full by no later than close of business on Tuesday, March 15th.