Competitive Region Competitions Committee Terms of Reference

Competitive Region (CR) Competitions Committee Terms of Reference

  1. Chair of CR
    1. For the 2013/2014 & 2014/2015 competitive cycles, the Chair of the eight CR committees will be appointed by the Chair of the National Competitions Committee who has been appointed and approved by USA Rugby through the Club Strategic Committee and the Rugby Committee.
    2. For subsequent competitive cycles the CR Chair will be elected by their CR Committee on an annual or bi-annual basis.
    3. CR Chair elections include the following provisions:
      1. Any member of the CR Committee can put forth a nominee.
      2. A majority vote within the CR Committee will elect the committee Chair.  In the event of a tied vote, the National Competitions Committee Chair will cast the deciding (tie-breaking) vote.
      3. A CR chair serves a term of one or two years and does not have a limit on the number of terms that can be served by an individual.
      4. CR Chair must be a registered member of USA Rugby.
  2. CR Committee Composition
    1. For the 2013/2014 competitive cycle the CR Chairs have authority and autonomy to construct their committee in the manner they feel will best be able to formulate a viable competition in the first year of the restructure
    2. For subsequent seasons the CR Chair will propose a CR committee structure to the National Competitions Committee that creates a team of committee members that is representative of the constituents in its region. Members should be elected representatives of their constituents and provide adequate representation for the geography and diversity of participants within the region.
    3. To provide stability to the inclusion of the Chair in subsequent cycles, the Chair may propose to the National Competitions Committee one of two arrangements:
      1. The Chair may retain his/her position as a divisional/regional representative within the CR committee. If this option is selected, it is advised that an alternate divisional/regional representative be elected to fill the Chair’s void while serving as chair, or
      2. The Chair may remain a non-voting member of the CR committee for up to one competitive cycle after their term expires
    4. All CR committee structures must be explicitly approved by USA Rugby and the National Competitions Committee and publicly-available on USA Rugby’s website. All CR committee structures must also provide instruction for how members may become a constituent representative within their region.
  3. Term of service
    1. All members of each CR Committee must be elected to the committee on an annual or biannual basis, to serve a 1- or 2-year term (not to exceed 2 years). There is no limit to the number of terms that a member of a CR committee can serve.
    2. All CR committee members must be registered with USA Rugby.
    3. CR chairs may decide the initial length of term for each position, but a majority vote of CR Committee members may alter the length of term for each position.
    4. As of August 15, 2017, all regularly-scheduled elections of CR Committee members must occur at either union AGMs or during a voting period that is publicly defined and announced at least 30 days prior to its occurrence. All active member clubs of the competitive region must be notified by CR committee members of the date/time/duration of regularly-scheduled elections. In the case of a tie, the CR Committee Chair casts the deciding (tie-breaking) vote.
    5. All members are to serve fixed terms unless the committee member resigns. If a resignation occurs, the elected alternate may take the member’s place. If no alternate exists, a special election must be held by the CR chair and include all clubs served by the committee member’s position (be it divisional or regional).
    6. USA Rugby must be notified of all regularly-scheduled elections at least 30 days prior to their occurrence, be they at AGMs or in general elections, and as soon as possible with respect to any special election. Notification of USA Rugby includes a report by the CR Chair to the National Competitions Committee (by meeting or email) and a submitted report to the Club Department at USA Rugby.
    7. In the event of a vacancy, a CR chair may call for an election within 30 days, or a special election on shorter notice if necessary to maintain a quorum on the CR committee.
  4. CR Competitions Committee Responsibilities
    1. Determine, based upon parameters set forth by the National Competitions Committee (as approved by the Club Strategic Committee and Rugby Committee), the number of teams that will compete at each Division within the CR, or ratify the number of teams competing at each division that is submitted by a constituent representative.
    2. Determine the promotion/relegation system (if applicable) that will be utilized at each divisional level, or ratify the intra-CR sub-region/union processes for promotion/relegation.
    3. Determine the schedule(s) of competition within the CR, or ratify the competition schedule(s) submitted by a constituent representative.
    4. Determine the pathway that will be utilized at each Division for crowning the competing team/teams that will advance to the USA Rugby national playoffs and certify that minimum requirements have been met by the advancing teams from their CR.
    5. Determine the seeding, venue, and competition format for all intra-CR playoff matches leading to the USA Rugby National Playoffs.
    6. Consult a representative from each local referee organization (LRO) within the CR’s defined boundaries, who shall be included in intra-CR playoff event discussions.
    7. Submit meeting reports to the National Competitions Committee (NCC) at least three (3) days prior to any meeting of the NCC. Meeting reports should include activities occurring within the CR, the dates of regularly scheduled meetings, notice of elections, results of elections, and information regarding CR determinations
    8. Hold meetings on a quarter-year basis (at a minimum). Notice of regular meetings must be included in CR reports to the NCC at least 30 days prior to a meeting being held. No such notice is required of an emergency meeting, but information regarding outcomes from emergency meetings should be included in CR reports to the NCC.
    9. Submit all reports and paperwork requested by the National Competitions Committee or the USA Rugby national office, including – but not limited to – championship paperwork and information regarding events taking place within the CR.
    10. Ensure that this document, the CR committee’s make-up, and notice of committee elections are on the websites of all unions within the CR’s boundaries.
    11. Ensure timely compliance with all USA Rugby competition protocols and regulations, including proper use of the USA Rugby Competition Management System for all league/qualifying/playoff matches in the CR, and compliance with USA Rugby eligibility regulations.
    12. Ensure that Match Commissioners are available at intra-CR playoff events.
    13. Ensure that, in a publicly-available format, the above noted items and contacts of club within the CR are maintained either by constituent unions or a CR website
  5. Deviation from the Terms of Reference
    1. Any and all deviations from these Terms of Reference (ToR) must be approved by the National Competitions Committee. Competitive Region (CR) Chairs may submit alternative proposals to the NCC for approval, but such alternatives must be clear in their difference from this document, and submitted (and posted publicly) in a format that clearly communicates any/all deviations. A waiver for Approval to deviate must be submitted in writing.

Want to understand how the RRRC fits into the TRU? Review our handy guide.

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