TRU Executive Board Elections – Responses Due Feb 21, 2014

Dear TRU Members,


  1. The TRU Electoral Committee will elect representatives for the positions of President and Dir Competitions.
  2. We are asking for your input.
  3. The role of Dir Competitions may be expanded/modified
  4. Please submit your input before February 21st

This summer, two of our Executive Director positions are up for re-election, TRU Executive Director (“President”), currently David McPhail and TRU Director of Competitions, currently Ron Watson. See below for current role descriptions. It is the responsibility of the Electoral Directors, (“Divisional Reps”) to elect these positions, but as your representatives we need your input.

Please contact any of the divisional representatives (Traci Schmidtke, Shayne Roberson, Doug Corrigan, Phil Camm, Otis Parker or Jim Wolfinger) to give your input and suggestions for nominations. The Electoral Board will deliberate and seek further information about those candidates which we see as suitable for the roles. For clarification, there are no term limits on these positions and both David and Ron are eligible for reelection.

In making your nominations, please consider that the role of Director of Competitions may be expanded in the coming weeks in consideration of the new role of the ACR4 Competitions Committee. The new description could possibly encompass more responsibility for rugby development (coaching, club management, development plans for new clubs) and promotion (marketing, new player recruitment, coach/referee recruitment), focusing on securing a successful future for rugby in Texas. Please provide us with your input on how you see the Director of Competition role best servicing your needs.

Executive Director (i.e. “President”) will be given the mandate by the member clubs to have the authority to be the final arbitrator and decision maker on all issues, if consensus cannot be reached. All Directors will report directly to the President. It will be the duty of the President of the TRU to preside over meetings of the TRU Board of Directors, to ensure that TRU officers, agents and committees perform their duties, to encourage membership in the TRU and to ensure that other TRU functions and responsibilities are carried out within the TRU’s jurisdiction.

Director of Competitions is responsible for: 1) assisting the President of the TRU in all TRU matters; 2) Preside over meetings of the TRU Board in the President’s absence; 3) ensure that TRU representatives, managers and committees perform their duties; 4) communicate with Electoral Directors; 5) ensuring that the current Texas competitions are conducted such that they will continue to strengthen Texas Rugby; 6) enforcing the current CIPP Match Day procedures; 7) liaising with the West Territorial Union and USA Rugby to ensure that the Texas competitions meet their requirements in terms of Regional and National Championships; and 8) liaising with Texas Rugby Referee Association (TRRA), the Select Sides and club coaches in recommending the introduction of new competitions.

Please submit your input to one of these reps (Traci Schmidtke, Shayne Roberson, Doug Corrigan, Phil Camm, Otis Parker or Jim Wolfinger) before February 21st.