Board Notes – 2/22/16

At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the archived minutes or read on for the 2/22/16 notes:

NOTE: Our regular meeting was moved back a week due to dual USA International matches.

  • Roll Call
    • Tate
    • Corrigan
    • Parker
    • Turner
    • Tomsak
    • Butch
    • James
    • Young
  • Approve Minutes from last call
    • Turner: Motion to approve
    • Parker: Second
      • Objections, none: APPROVED
  • Follow Ups from last call
    • Operating Procedures (v8)
      • Young: Instead of trying to include all of the RRRC information as that was getting really complicated, I instead chose to format it with an Appendix. I’ve never written one before…so review away!
        • Tate: Wendy, technical zones are not included in here, right?
        • Young: Right, that was discussed as a pilot.
          • Tate: What about where teams/coaches/reserves have to stand, one side or the field or not?
          • Young: That was an addendum that was posted only on the website, but has never been adopted into the Operating Procedures since they haven’t been updated since 2012. Here was the updated field policy:
          • Corrigan: Can we clarify that there are two options but we prefer one?
          • Tate: Correct, we recognize that there are multiple field layouts but we want to say that option 1 is the preference.
            • Turner: Why is that a preference?
            • Tate: Because we’ve had situations where interactions with fans, coaches and reserves has caused problems on sidelines. The fans can rile up the sideline and cause issues.
        • Young: The updated field policy includes fines and loss of league points. We know we can’t take away league points as that is a RRRC function, but do we want to include the fines?
          • Tate: Correct, we can’t take away league points but we should include the fines.
            • Turner: I object to including this in the Operating Policies as every field is different. Beyond that, I don’t believe that separating fans/players will solve problems. I think we should focus on other things.
            • Corrigan: I came on to the Board right as this was being discussed, when this first rolled out I was against it. But we’ve all seen matches go astray and I believe this policy helps create a safer environment to everyone involved. I’ve seen positives and think we should include it.
        • Tate: Why don’t we break this into pieces? There should be pieces that all venues should be able to handle. For example:
          • # of people inside the ropes: 1 coach and 1 medical
            • Tomsak: Could we also make sure the individuals in front of the rope aren’t wearing the same kit?
            • Tate: Yes, that seems doable. But remember they need to be in near proximity of the rope, not right on the sideline.
            • Turner: If we’re concerned about coaches being in the ARs way, why don’t we allow coaches behind the dead ball line behind the in-goal?
            • Tate: I don’t see a problem with that, some international venues put everyone behind the in-goal.
            • Turner: If the purpose is to separate fans/teams and ARs, why don’t we just mandate that all teams have to be behind the in-goals?
            • Tate: I think it’s a fair point, I personally don’t have a problem with coaches behind the in-goals.
            • Tomsak: I think it would be hard to do substitutions with the referee.
            • Tate: The international matches include a #4 and are all micc’d up so that you are relying on technology, not yelling. That is something we’re getting closer to, but we’re not there yet.
            • Butch: I believe we got to these Field Policies by following recommendations from World Rugby. If you make it to the USA Rugby National Playoffs, it is a strictly enforced technical zone.
            • Tate: Is everyone OK with 1 coach and 1 medical personnel inside the ropes? Objections?
              • Parker: What about just 1 coach, why does the medical need to be inside the rope?
              • Corrigan: I agree with Parker.
              • Tate: Amended to be 1 coach inside the rope. No other personnel.
          • Coach must be between the 50m and 22m. They cannot cross over to their opponent’s side nor leave their designated area.
            • Turner: I object, this doesn’t allow for a coach to be behind the in-goal/dead ball line?
            • Tate: What if we amend to coach between the 50m and 22m or the dead ball line?
            • Corrigan: I thought coaches were able to go 22m to 22m. When did that change?
            • Young: That changed about two years ago with the technical zone implementations at the USA level. It wasn’t an official amend but a recommendation.
            • Parker: If the teams are on opposite sides, the coach can go 22m to 22m?
            • Tate: Right, if they are using that scenario. The spirit is to stop the negative interactions between coaches and reserves.
      • Tate: Ok, we may go on all night with this, Wendy, email me the updated field policy and I will take a stab at a re-write and then we’ll have further discussion on email. As far as the Operating Procedures v8, any objections to approving?
        • Corrigan: Not an objection but I wanted to thank you for re-writing these.
        • Young: Thank you.
          • Tate: APPROVED, but note that we may add technical zone recommendations and/or the updated field policies.
          • Young: To clarify, I’m posting these or am I waiting for updates?
          • Tate: Lets wait for updates but I don’t want to wait another month.
    • ID Cards or enforce book check
      • Tate: A few of the D1 teams have been doing this digitally on our own. This is ultimately a RRRC policy (eligibility) and if we as the TRU are going to enforce on their behalf, this will go to their committee first.
    • Additional $5,890 for TRRA Development Grant (Solo shot cameras)
      • Tate: Approved via email, Pfleger is cutting a check.
    • Hall of Fame
      • Corrigan: I didn’t get any response from the email I sent out. If anyone on the call is interested in building a presentation, let me know.
      • Tate: I reviewed and it looks like a good start. Lets also reach out to our members to see if anyone wants to help with this project. This is a great way to get other people than the Board involved.
  • AGM (Central)
  • RRRC Playoffs (May 7-8, 2016/South)
  • Summit
    • Date?
      • Men’s Eagles International: June 11
      • Men’s Eagles International: June 18
      • Men’s Eagles International: June 25
      • Men’s/Women’s Club 7s Pool Play: August 13-14
      • Congress Meeting (tentative) – August 27
    • Courses? Not a L200, but rather a continuing education opportunity.
  • Lonestar Fine?
    • Tate: We determined that the fine was waived this year, they’ve also been minding their Ps and Qs. Otis, anything to add?
      • Parker: Yea, I’ve been in contact with Justin and they’re are doing much better.
      • Tate: Great, we have a team in compliance and let’s keep it that way.
  • Match Changes
    • Young: So far this competitive season, I’ve done 88 changes! Teams aren’t always providing even basic info so it’s a lot of email back and forth…should I consider making teams use a form? What can we do to streamline this a bit?
      • Tate: I’m not opposed to a form, it’s the 21st century. Using technology isn’t a bad thing.
      • Tomsak: I agree, that way it would be confirmed by the opponent and you get a copy.
      • Tate: If it saves you time, lets do it.
      • Young: I might just marinate on it a bit more.
  • Automatic Intra-Regional Transfers (Pilot)
    • Young: Only covers TRU to TRU (no fees) at this time. The future will be external transfers as well using this process. This new process will save us a ton of time. More details to come on the pilot and it will be posted to the website.
  • Coach Resumes
    • Young: I get emailed about 3 per month, do we want to pass these one or how should I handle? They are mostly internationals resumes, so that I don’t feel super comfortable passing those on?
    • Tate: I’m thinking the easiest way may be to leverage the technology, sort of like a bulletin board? Maybe a section on the website?
    • Turner: When Tulsa needed a coach, Wendy posted on the TRU website for us. We feel that it was really helpful in our search. I’ve also received some sketchy resumes, so I know what she means. It is difficult to get coaches…
    • Tate: We do need to make it clear that we aren’t endorsing these, etc. I’ll do a bit of digging and see what other unions or Clubs are handling this.
  • Board Nominations
    • President – Sep 2017 (3 year term)
    • Vice President – Sep 2017 (3 year term)
    • DI M Rep – Sep 2016 (3 year term)
    • W Rep – Sep 2016 (3 year term)
    • DII M Rep – Sep 2018 (3 year term)
    • DIII M Rep – Sep 2018 (3 year term)
    • Congress – Sep 2016 Young (2 year term)
  • New business
    • Oklahoma City Appeal
      • Tate: OKC is appealing their recent sanction. The complication I’m seeing is that the new World Rugby regs recommend appointing an Appeals Committee or an Appeals Officer. We need to have a quick turnaround (7 days) so I recommend that we appoint an officer or committee members. I’ve got videos and statements to support the appeal. Are there of you that would like to be on an appeal committee to hear appealed disciplinary decisions?
        • Corrigan: I have a suggestion, the men and women’s reps should be the appeal committee and the President as the appeals officer for a tie breaker. That would be 4 reps and a tie breaker. (Corrigan, James, Parker and Turner with Tate or Tomsak as tie breaker)
          • Tomsak: I think it’s a really good idea as they actually represent the divisions.
          • Corrigan: I motion my aforementioned suggestion.
          • Tomsak: Second
          • Objections: None, APPROVED.
            • Corrigan, Turner, Parker and James are the appeals committee and Tate is the appeals officer (tie breaker). Tate will forward on all documentation from original sanction and new appeals documentation. This will need to be settled by next Monday.
              • Young: Just don’t forget to send me the final result so I can keep the records updated.
    • Galveston – 50th Anniversary
      • Parker: Next year is Galveston’s 50th anniversary and they wanted to ask for suggestions on how to celebrate. If you have ideas, sent them my way.