The Red River Competitions Committee releases their monthly committee call minutes and notes. View all of the archived RRRC minutes or read on for the most recent:
- Roll Call
- Young
- Dodge
- Dale
- Kolberg
- Nezat
- Hughes
- Kurylas
- Tolar
- Watson
- Regrets
- Fosco
- Keuppens
- Regrets
- Followup
- Glendale leaving MD1
- Dodge: As previously voted on by email, Glendale is joining the PRP this year and asked if they could be let go from our union. Wendy, I believe you sent out an email that matches have been removed?
- Young: Yes, removed from WTR and CMS.
- Mid-Season CIPP Transfers from MD4/WD3 to Upper Division Clubs
- Dodge: We also did an email vote on this policy and the voting results are below. One thing I did see today was that the Dogfish are folding and most of their players will end up playing with the Crabs anyway. But this is still an option for any of the MD4 or WD3 clubs.
- Young: I will post this to the web and add it to the existing MD4 and WD3 guidelines.
- Book check schedule / assignments
- Dodge: A couple of calls ago we had asked for volunteers to cover this first round of matches and do book checks. With all of our current club obligations it is a bit difficult. But since we are stress testing this, do we care if a member of the team does it? For instance, Kolberg would be available to do the Reds matches on 12/1.
- Kolberg: I thought Watson said he was available.
- Watson: I can do those.
- Dodge: Can we cover these other regions?
- North:
- 12/1/18 – Alliance @ Reds D3 – Watson
- 12/1/18 – San Antonio @ Reds D1 – Watson
- 12/8/18 – Blacks D2 @ DARC – Dodge
- Glendale leaving MD1
- Central:
- 12/1/18 – Woodlands @ San Antonio D2 – Need someone
- 12/15/18 – Riveters @ Valks D2 – Young
- 12/15/18 – CC Crabs @ Huns D3 – Young
- Central:
- South:
- 12/1/18 – Woodlands D3 @ Houston Arrows – Need someone
- 12/8/18 – HURT D3 @ Bay Area – Need someone
- 12/15/18 – Quins D1 @ West Houston D1 – Nezat
- South:
- Compliance
- Young: This is looking good, the competition on social media has helped move this along. We have 40 clubs registered with just a few pending (need CIPP’d players or L200 coach) and a few grace period (need to register with USAR).
- Young: Again, looking really good but really only having 2-3 matches a weekend. Reminding teams as we go.
- Compliance
- New Business
- USA Rugby Championships
- Round of 8 Hosting Applications
- Dodge: I checked with the National office and there has only been on application from Bend, Oregon. That will be quite expensive for all clubs…so does anyone know of any clubs that have any interest in hosting the USA Rugby Round of 8 in our area?
- Kolberg: The Reds will contact Fort Worth again to see if we can host together again. We also have a deal in Irving that we’re waiting on, if that comes through we will raise our hand for Round of 8 and for RRRC Championships.
- Hughes: I would think that the Austin teams would be interested.
- Kolberg: I think we should really stress to the clubs that this is in their best interest. What if we had an internal request for bids and then we can choose on to put forth to USA Rugby? That way all the clubs can agree and we can have a united front. Dale, do you remember how much it cost the last time you traveled?
- Dale: Yes, it was a huge cost, $5k minimum but closer to $10-15k for a playoff weekend.
- Kolberg: I’m from that area, it will be very very expensive. It will be beautiful, but really costly.
- USA Rugby Championships
- Dodge: On the NCC call this week it was mentioned that the USA Rugby Championships will not be at Glendale this year. So that is open as well.
- Round of 8 Hosting Applications
- Upcoming Elections
- Dodge: Under the new TOR the seats now don’t auto renew but will be 2 year terms. I believe the following would be up for election this cycle, but we need to go back and check the records:
- Young (WD1)
- Kolberg (MD1 – Odd Year)
- Keuppens (was appointed, becomes elected now) (7s)
- Hughes (MD3 – Odd Year)
- Nezat (completing Luke Turners term) (MD2 – Odd Year)
- Watson (At – Large)
- Dodge: The only seats that aren’t up for election by the RRRC/TRU Clubs are TRRA seat (whoever is TRRA Chair,, as elected by TRRA) and the At Large seat that the Chair appoints. I believe there should be flexibility in who fills this seat. Even though Glendale has left our competition, we might pick up a member club from outside the RRRC again in the future. So, while I would like to see a rep for MD4 or WD3 appointed to this position in the absence of any club from outside RRRC, I don’t want to lock in a seat for MD4/WD3 perhaps. Wendy and I will get together to confirm the list of those up for election and send out an email for discussion on same this week. The election itself would occur in conjunction with the TRU AGM in January (date TBD), so we would need to open nominations in about 30 days from now.
- Dodge: Under the new TOR the seats now don’t auto renew but will be 2 year terms. I believe the following would be up for election this cycle, but we need to go back and check the records:
- DFW Referee Clinic
- Dodge: As most of you know we are chronically short on referees in the North (DFW area). We really need to do something to build the ranks or we’re going to have to move to Sunday matches or something like that. I’m trying to organize something for January 6-7. If we don’t get more referees we’re going to have to take other measures, so be advised.
- USAR National Office Restructure
- Dodge: Also from the NCC call, they are doing a restructure of USA Rugby. They are moving away from representatives of silos, but more around competitions, membership etc. That’s coming but we didn’t get very many details.
- Watson: I’m on that restructuring group, would you like some more information?
- Dodge: I’d like to know what the subjects or departments are going to be? I’m afraid that things are going to fall between the cracks.
- Watson: They are looking at consolidation and possibly changing personnel. The committee structure is changing as well, less committees and we proposed bylaw changes. If the bylaws pass as proposed there will be possible term limits on committee members and you can only be on one committee at a time. There are also anticipated changes in Congress with a leadership group that directly interacts with the USAR Board and executives of the National Office.
- Dodge: I don’t mean to cut you off, but you’re not answering my question. If you don’t know, that is fine. What I understood from Erik was that the departments would be handled more functionally instead of by silo or more specifically youth, club or college. So one department handles CIPP, CMS and competitions for all members.
- New Business
- None
- USA Rugby Championships
- Meeting adjourned (8:40 PM)
- Waston: I move we adjourn
- Kolberg: Second
- Dodge: None opposed – Meeting Adjourned