Important: Club Renewal Required for Club Competitions

The new 2019-2020 USA Rugby Club Registration period has opened and we urge you to renew your club registration. This will allow your players to CIPP to your club and is a critical step to staying “in good standing” with the TRU.

Other requirements to achieve “in good standing” include having a L200 coach registered to your club and have at least 15 players registered for your club by your first match.

Any player or member that does not have a 2019-20 registration will be ineligible for the 2019-20 competition until they register for the new season.

 Register for the 2019-20 Season: 

  1. To renew a club’s registration with USA Rugby, please log in.
  2. Please confirm your club’s information is correct. Once confirmed or changed, please click continue.
  3. Please read the “USA Rugby Policy Regarding Nondiscrimination.” Once done, please check the “I Agree” button. Then click submit.
  4. The last step is paying the necessary dues. Once paid, this would successfully renew the club’s registration for the new competitive year.

For those needing help registering club members, please see “How Do I Register the Members of My Club.” You can also view some helpful FAQs.

If you do not know your USA Rugby login, please reach out to

Note that the TRU will begin compliance checks on all requirements beginning Sept 1. Clubs that are non-compliant will be deemed “not in good standing” and are not eligible for competition, governance or assistance from the TRU. We appreciate those teams that have already started this process!