Status of 2020 RRRC/TRU XV’s Season – March 17

As previously posted, USA Rugby has suspended all rugby matches *and* trainings for 30 days. In addition, current CDC guidelines advise canceling all events involving 50 or more people for the next 8 weeks, and some local governments have issued stricter limits. As a result, the 2020 RRRC/TRU XVs season is suspended indefinitely, and the RRRC/TRU Championships to be held in Austin on April 25-26 and our women’s College 7s Championships on April 25 are officially canceled. 

The TRU and RRRC will review the status of the season on April 13, 20, and 27. Should it become possible to safely and legally resume play on or before April 27th, the TRU and RRRC are developing a compressed match schedule that would wrap the 2020 season in 2-3 weeks. This could include a TRU playoff, or national playoffs if USA Rugby holds them. 

To assist in developing this schedule, we are asking all member clubs to respond to the survey linked below. Please respond no later than 5 pm on Monday, March 23rd, even if you do not intend to compete. If you are a multiple-side club, please make a separate response for each of your Club’s sides. We also highly encourage Clubs to survey their members’ willingness to resume play, if that becomes an option, rather than Club coaches or administrators making an executive decision on their behalf.

Clubs may elect to resume play, or not, on a side-by-side basis, but the existing eligibility rules, including those related to player movement on multi-side Clubs will continue to apply. Clubs / sides opting not to resume play will not be penalized with forfeits.  

Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time. Be safe, look out for one another, and let’s hope we get to see each other on the pitch soon.

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