Due to several issues over the last few years relating mainly to the USA competitive structure of youth rugby to a SBRO model, as well as the creation of the TRRA and an R&L Committee, as well as some general house-keeping, the TRU bylaws are up for amendment. The proposed amended bylaws are attached and shall be posted on the TRU Website for the next thirty days for public comment, discussion and suggested revision. If no significant structural changes are suggested/incorporated,
Final changes to the Bylaws are being made and will be published to the TRU website on Monday Evening.
The ratification process shall be held as follows:
June 1, 2010 – Proposed Amended By-Laws are posted to TRU Website & Public Comments accepted, if submitted to TRU President, Dave McPhail ( cc: to their respective Electoral Rep for consideration and possible inclusion;
June 30, 2010 – Public Comment & discussion period closes;
July 1, 2010 – Voting may begin. Each Electoral Rep shall canvass his/her membership to attempt to receive each Club’s individual vote either FOR or AGAINST the proposed amended by-laws. It is the responsibility of the Club to cast their vote. The Electoral Reps are simply charged with attempting to assist in the collection of votes. Electoral Reps shall keep the results of votes collected secret until they are submitted to the TRU President on July 30, 2010. Any Club that fails to submit a vote prior to the deadline shall be deemed as an “affirmative vote” in approval of the bylaws as proposed. Any Members who fail to vote shall have their respective vote counted as an “affirm” vote in favor of ratification of the Bylaw revisions.
July 31, 2010 – Voting closes and the Electoral Reps shall forward the votes cast to TRU President, Dave McPhail on July 31, 2010.
August 1, 2010 – Results announced