L200 (FULL) & L300 Coaching Course Registration Open | 2016 TRU SUMMIT

2016 TRU Summit

We’ve opened the registrations for the Coaching Certification Courses that will take place at the TRU Summit. The L200 course is a one-day event and takes place on Saturday, August 20. The L300 is a two-day event, starting on Saturday, August 20 and finishing up on Sunday, August 21.

Sign up today as each course does have a cap and classes will fill up quickly.

L200 (FULL) Coaching Course – Sunday, August 20 – $110 / Capped at 18 attendees

This course focuses on player welfare and teaching players the technical skills to play safely. The assessment requires coaches to demonstrate effective coaching techniques. These techniques include teaching through games, technical skill development through progressions and collaborative coaching.

What do I have to do to complete this certification?

  1. Complete the Level 100: World Rugby Rugby Ready (click here)
  2. Complete the Level 200 online pre-course work (click here)
  3. Attend the 1 day in person Level 200 clinic

Register (FULL)

L300 Coaching Course (FULL) – Sunday, August 20-21 – $250 / Capped at 8 attendees

The Level 300 Coaching Certification is the next step in the American Rugby Model (ARM). The certification progresses towards advanced coaching skills used in athlete development and program building.

The Level 300 Course consists of a two-day certification clinic and successful completion of the home study tasks.

The object of the certification is for coaches to increase their ability to coach technical skills to achieve strategic and tactical outcomes. Coaches will be able to use the coaching process, key factor analysis and functional role analysis to achieve specific short and medium term goals for their teams.

Who should be at this level?

A coach is recommended to have a minimum of 1 year as a Level 200 coach.

Register (FULL)

What’s the TRU Summit?

Get more information about the Summit here: https://texasrugbyunion.com/summit/