2016 RRRC Competitions Committee – Nominees & Election Procedures

Please see below the following nominations for the Men’s D3 seat. Note that these were the only nominations received, so all other electable seats will remain for another term.

Nominee Statements

Scott Blackley (Bay Area Rugby Club)
John Kurylas (Grand Prairie)

Voting Rules

Quorum is 2/3 of eligible voters (10/16 teams for D3). Candidate must receive more than 50% of the votes to be declared the winner. In case of a tie, the Chair will break the tie as specified in the USA Rugby Terms of Reference for Competitive Region committees.

Casting Votes

Wendy Young, TRU admin will send out the ballot to the current Divisional Club Presidents listed on the TRU Contacts page shortly. If you don’t receive it or have additional questions, please email admin@texasrugbyunion.com.

Voting Collection & Confirmation

Alan Sharpley, RRRC chair, will conduct and monitor the voting. Wendy Young, RRRC member, will assist and confirm the votes. Review the previously posted Nomination and Election process.

Nomination & Election Process

Aug 3, 2016: Call for nominations; closes after 5 business days
Aug 15, 2016: Nominations posted to the TRU website for review
Aug 23, 2016: Nominations posted to the TRU website for review and online voting opens
Aug 29, 2016 (at 5pm): Voting closes
Sep 2, 2016 (no later than): Election results posted on TRU Website