Fort Worth Rugby Club seeks a Head Coach for the 2017-18 season

The Head Coach will oversee all elements of the club’s competitive 15’s program, including but not limited to the structure and content of training, match-day strategy and game management, the selection of team captains, and the process for team selection.  A negotiable monthly coaching stipend will be available pending approval of the club’s 2017-18 season budget.

The Head Coach will select assistant coaches to serve at his direction, and will designate a substitute in a timely manner to serve in his place for any foreseeable absences from practice or club matches.

The position will be open until October 15, 2017 for potential applicants.  Applicants should should contact Club President Marty Moore by email at before the end of the Application Period and submit a coaching resume.  All selected final candidates will present a coaching plan to the Selection Committee within 14 days of the application deadline for final consideration.

The Head Coach will receive interim evaluations against the submitted coaching plan, which may include general feedback from the club membership received by the Executive Committee, and serves at the direction of the Executive Committee.

For additional information, contact Club President Marty Moore at or (817) 471-7909.