TRU Board Notes – 11/18/2019

At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the TRU archived minutes or read on for the most recent notes:

  1. Roll Call
    1. Young
    2. Tomsak
    3. Tate
    4. Kurylas
    5. Hiller
    6. Roche
    7. Dodge
      1. Regrets
        1. Whitman
        2. O’Gara
  2. Follow Ups
    1. Club Compliance Checks
      1. New Clubs
        1. OKC Tribe Rugby – Fully compliant
        2. Fort Hood – Fully compliant
        3. North Texas Barbarians – Full compliant
        4. Other Rugby Club – Fully compliant
        5. Alliance W – 11 CIPP’d, 10 players
        6. Denton W – 9 CIPP’d, 7 players
        7. Grand Prairie W – 10 CIPP’d, 8 players
        8. Space City Rugby – 13 CIPP’d (only playing socially)
        9. San Angelo M – Expressed interest in October
        10. Lamar University W – Expressed interest in October
        11. Baylor University W – Expressed interest in November
      2. Club Viability Fee Refunds
        1. Young: OKC Tribe, Fort Hood, NTX and Other are all fully compliant. OKC and Fort Hood were the only ones that were compliant by Nov 1.
        2. Tate: Great, we’re looking very good as far as compliance in general. Men’s D1 and D2 don’t play until mid-January but we already have 50 clubs that are compliant. If you follow the Facebook updates, lots of clubs are already over 30 players with some in the 50s.
          1. Tate: Ok, for the men we are looking at a 24 player target and some of our clubs made it by Nov 1st but not all. Do we want to do something similar to what we just talked about with the women and do an extension? Other Rugby Club has already played two matches and NTX played their first match this weekend. So we know they are playing games and they have their numbers. I propose that we refund all of the above men’s clubs viability fee.
            1. Dodge: Second.
            2. Tate: Any objections? None. APPROVED.
        3. WD3 Consideration
          1. Young: Originally we only charged the women’s teams $250 because we knew they would be developing this year. Is there any interest from the TRU Board in giving that viability fee back to any of these teams?
          2. Tate: I am all for not keeping the club viability fee but also need to make sure we’re covering referee costs and such. My inclination is that if clubs are moving in the right direction that we go ahead and extend their deadline. We want these clubs to get to the deadline if at all possible and this shouldn’t be a punishment. How does everyone else feel about that?
          3. Kurylas: Ok, for the hybrid we didn’t really have a number in mind? Do we want to put a number on it?
          4. Tate: John provided us a quick update on how the competition below and Wendy put it in the notes below. So, do we think there is any value in hanging on to this money any longer? Does it serve any purpose if we give them a target to work towards?
          5. Kurylas: The clubs are definitely growing and these events are helping with recruitment.
          6. Tate: There are three ways we can handle this, we give their money back, we don’t give it back or we give it back after X date or # of players. My inclination is to define what X number is or what Y date is. Or refund the money.
          7. Dodge: How many WD3 events are left?
          8. Kurylas: 4 more events, running all the way to March. What if we did it before the January 18 event? 
            1. Young: Denton is looking to add another event to the calendar, before the finals in March. So that makes five!
          9. Tate: OK, so one more event in December and then a few in the Spring. What if we say by January 15 they have to have 12 or 15 players?
          10. Tomsak: Are we supplying referees?
          11. Tate: Yes, 1 referee for each event.
          12. Tomsak: Are we upside down if we refund?
          13. Tate: Did some quick math and no, we should be covered. We have their CIPP money already (or we will when USAR pays us). I would suggest we set a January 15 extension and we give them a specific number to shoot for.
          14. Young: I think there is one wrinkle in this, as an example, there are some players that are CIPP’d with DARC but they also play with Denton at these events.
          15. Dodge: Part of the incentive is that we want clubs to be viable and stand-alone. The other way to look at this is what is the plan for having these teams join WD2?
          16. Tate: Right, we want to continue growth and we don’t want to hinder them.
          17. Kurylas: The numbers above that Wendy has provided also include coaches and admins. So in reality each team has 7-10 CIPP’d players right now. If our goal is to have them playing 10s, what if we say 12?
            1. Young: Sorry about that, was rushing. I’ve updated the numbers to only reflect players now.
          18. Tate: I would be comfortable with 12 players.
          19. Tomsak: I want to encourage growth so if we have covered referees, I don’t really mind refunding these clubs.
          20. Tate: Right and if we come to January 15 and someone has 11 players, we can make an exception. We want this to be an incentive to have players registered and we want to give the funds back. I propose that we extend it until January 15 and require 12 players. If those parameters are hit, we will refund the $250 club viability fee that they paid earlier in the summer.
            1. Dodge: Second.
            2. Tate: Any objections? None. APPROVED.
    2. Referee Abuse Policy
      1. Tate: We pushed this out last week and have received some predictable comments on Facebook.
      2. Young: I was at a few games this weekend and had to gently remind and chat with teams about the new requirements. So we need to be good stewards and remind clubs when we see an issue.
      3. Tate: Yes, we need to keep spectators on the opposite side of the field and on the technical zone side, everyone needs to be behind the ropes. Opponents are split by the 50m and/or the administrative area and that also needs to be monitored.
      4. Young: I’ve asked TRRA to share the policies with all active referees as well.
    3. 2019-2020 Budget
      1. TRU CIPP Dues from USA Rugby
        1. Tate: We haven’t received our September, October or November CIPP dues from USA Rugby. We’ve reached out to Kurt Weaver, VP of USA Rugby and he let me know that he will speak to Eric their CFO. Not a ton of rugby happening yet, but we will have referee bills due soon. We’ll continue to stay on top of the National Office on this.
        2. Dodge: So this isn’t an administrative issue?
        3. Tate: No, but there are rumors circulating about a cash crunch. We do know of other organizations that haven’t received timely payments from USA Rugby. They have acknowledged our concern but I’m waiting for an official response.
        4. Dodge: Do all GUs collect dues through USAR like we do?
        5. Tate: No, there are still some that collect on their own or bill their clubs directly. Of the organizations that have USAR collect on their behalf, we are one of the largest so the payment that is owed us is big. USA Rugby should be a passthrough…
          1. Tate: So that is where we are on a budget, we have to get this taken care of.
    4. Referee Contract [DRAFT]
      1. Tate: We’ve pretty much approved everything and now that the Referee Abuse Policy has gone out, I think this is ready for approval. Kat, Tim isn’t here, was there any concerns on your end?
      2. Roche: The only conversation piece was the request around adding a TRU Board member on the TRRA Board. We’re open to it but that person may need to be a TRRA member.
      3. Tate: That requirement is understandable. Ok, so do we have any objections to approving this or would you like to look over it one more time? None. APPROVED.
  3. RRRC Match Cancellations/Reschedules update
    1. Dodge: We wanted to share this as a courtesy. It has been posted to the TRU website.
    2. Tate: Are there any financial obligations on this?
    3. Dodge: Only if a match is postponed and isn’t played but has competitive implications we could refer it to the TRU for review.
    4. Tate: Ok, appreciate the update.
  4. Operating Procedures Updates
    1. Young: Cleaned this up a bit over the last month as it hadn’t really been touched since mid 2018. Made sure all of the recent policy changes/updates from TRU and RRRC are included. Please review and let me know if I missed anything.
    2. Tate: Yes, let’s review. Just in general, we have so much stuff on the website that it’s easy for us to get things out of sync or out of date. If a member asks you about a rule, go look it up and if you can’t find it, let us know.
  5. WD3 Update
    1. Kurylas: I’ve been at both events and they’ve gone really well. The first week we had three teams and we played 7s on a shortened field (allows for more ball in hand time). This past weekend we had four teams and played in the same format. We have another event at Grand Prairie on 12/7 and we’re hoping to play 10s and expand the playing area if needed.
    2. Tate: Really excited to hear about these events and that the clubs are growing. I’m also glad the format that Monique and Elaine came up with seems to be working.
    3. Young: Yes, the teams seem really positive about the events and I got some photos from them and will be sharing those on social media soon.
  6. TRU All Star Weekend
    1. Dec 5: Coaches Clinic/Q&A – 7-9pm @ Austin Huns
    2. Dec 6: Player Clinic (all levels and genders) – 7-9pm @ Austin Huns
    3. Dec 7-8: All Star Tournament @ Austin Huns
      1. Tate: I’ve heard from Luis that there were 45+ players that tried out for the team and final selections have been made. We have a pretty good weekend lined up with eight teams and USA Rugby Women’s National Team Rob Cain coming.
      2. Young: Yes, Luis has sent me the final team and once we finalize a few other details the team will be posted to the website. The TRU U24 team is also being close to be finalized and we will post to the website as well.
      3. Tate: Note that the coaches and players clinics are open to all genders. Let’s get a big crowd down here and show Rob a good time. The Huns have hosted a few clinics in the past weeks and it has been a really good turnout…let’s keep it going.
      4. Dodge: Is this a coaching certification opportunity?
      5. Tate: No, it’s a coaching development opportunity but does not include certification. Rob will have a unique perspective and our members would benefit from attending.
  7. New Business
    1. MD4 Open Subs
      1. Kurylas: Fort Hood had reached out to me about open subs for Men’s D4. But that isn’t allowed?
      2. Tate: Right, you can use guest players if your numbers are short but it is not open subs. If Fort Hood wanted to do that, it would be an agreement with the opponent on the day. The opponent can say no if they have a short roster etc. But if the opponent is OK, they can tell the referee and it will be open subs. The difference is that this is a developmental league not a completely social league where open subs would be allowed.
    2. Marquee Match of the Weekend
      1. Dodge: Evan from USA Rugby will be reaching out to me weekly to cover our “marquee” matches. So be on the lookout for write ups on their site. Clubs may be approached for a write up and/or photos. 
    3. Sponsorship Opportunities
      1. Tomsak: Wendy had sent me a few opportunities and I was able to chat with DBS Rugby Partnership. It’s essentially a partnership with coaching development opportunities and rugby tours options.
      2. Tate: Ok, my only concern is that we’re not in a financial place to “promise” anything at this point so if we wanted to send over our women’s All Star team, it would have to be funded by players.
      3. Tomsak: Right, but I think all they really want is marketing opportunities and to get into the USA marketplace.
      4. Tate: Ok, we could look at maybe an opt-in option for member contacts. 
      5. Tomsak: Ok, I’ll send over the proposal for the Board to review. Some clubs from NSCRO Rugby did it last year and had a really good experience.
  8. Meeting Adjourned (9:15 PM)