Operating Policies


Any sections or subsections of this document are subject to any current or future directives of USA Rugby and the Texas Rugby Union (TRU). The TRU is a geographical union (GU) based upon a combination of club density in an area and natural geographical boundaries. The TRU organizes and administers member clubs within our GU.

The Red River Rugby Conference (RRRC) organizes, administers, controls and regulates the game of Rugby Union Football for the clubs that are its members within the geographic area (see Appendix A for more information on RRRC roles).

If you’d like to understand the roles of these two groups a bit more, review our ‘Who Does What’ guide.

All questions or disputes relating to these operating procedures should be referred to the TRU Board for review and resolution.


Club Eligibility

Member Clubs must comply with the following criteria to be a member in good standing and remain eligible to play in a RRRC League match, RRRC Championship, (see Appendix B for RRRC definitions), TRU league match or a USA Rugby Playoff or Championship.

  1. TRU Club Application: a club must apply and be formally approved as a member club by the TRU Board.
  2. RRRC approval: Clubs must be first approved by the TRU as a Club member and then request approval by the RRRC for competitive play:
    1. The RRRC will determine a Club’s competitive division based on the current promotion and relegation policy (see Appendix C for RRRC Promotion and Relegation).
  3. USA Rugby Club Registration: Complete annually after September 1 in order to be eligible for matches and referee assignments
  4. Player Registration: Encourage club members to register as a player after USA Rugby Club Registration has been completed.
  5. Level 1 Match Official: a Club must have an active match official that is registered with the Texas Rugby Referee Association.
  6. Touch Judge: a Club must have two TRU certified touch judges available for all home matches.
  7. Good Standing: a Club must be in good standing with the TRU, and USA Rugby. Good standing implies that the club has registered with USA Rugby, has no outstanding disciplinary actions, dues, fines, assessments, and/or other debts to the TRU, and USA Rugby.
    1. Other Standards: a Club must meet all other standards currently required or that may be imposed by the TRU, and USA Rugby.
    2. In addition to being ineligible for RRRC League, TRU League and Championship matches, an ineligible club may not participate in any official TRU Meeting.
    3. It is a violation of the TRU Disciplinary Code for a club to knowingly violate any of the above listed eligibility criteria. Such violations may result in fines and /or sanctions for the offending club.

Player Eligibility

The RRRC handles all matters of player eligibility (see Appendix D for player eligibility) and follows the USA Rugby Eligibility Guidelines (http://usarugby.org/eligibility).

TRU divisional leagues follow the USA Rugby Eligibility Guidelines unless otherwise documented.


The RRRC will create the various divisional league schedules (see Appendix E for match scheduling). These schedules will then be posted to the TRU website for review. The TRU will also compile all schedules into a master calendar.

Master Schedule


Scheduling for the TRU and RRRC XVs season generally begins in late summer after 7s competition has been completed. Each divisional league match schedule should be completed at least 90 days prior to the beginning of league play. Teams within the respective divisions will be allowed to review the schedule and recommend changes for a period of two weeks. After the two week review period the schedule will be considered final. Any schedule changes requested by a team after the schedule has been finalized will be made at the discretion of the RRRC.

League schedulers are encouraged to reach out to the member teams prior to producing the schedule to incorporate any potential requested block out dates. However, there are no guarantees that these requests will be honored. The RRRC divisional representatives should work closely with their respective TRU league schedulers to insure the league scheduling process goes smoothly.

Makeup Weekends

Generally makeup weekends are included in the schedule and may include holiday weekends and the two weekends before playoffs. We urge clubs to leave these weekends open as long as possible to use for matches that needed to be rescheduled due to inclement weather or other issues.


Scheduling for the 7s season generally begins in early spring. RRRC and TOLA 7s information will be updated on the 7s website page.

TRU Women’s Division 3 (WD3) and Men’s Division 4 (MD4)

The union has seen an explosion of growth and to support that, TRU Women’s Division 3 and Men’s Division 4 were created. This competition is intended to encourage clubs to field developmental sides in addition to the sides they field in USA Rugby cup competition, and to provide a league for social clubs and newly formed clubs to build towards inclusion in USA Rugby national divisions.

Season will be generally be played October-April, with finals being held with RRRC Championships.

Who’s the Ref (WTR)

The union utilizes Who’s the Ref (WTR) software to manage the master schedule. The Union has also partnered with the Texas Rugby Referee Association to provide referee resources. That partnership extends to Who’s the Ref and referee allocations are made using that software.

  • Who’s the Ref
    • Register new account – Use of the software requires registration by email address. Upon registration, an administrator will verify your account details and associate your account with a club if desired.
    • Verify Team Contacts – Recommend all club officers are included, but at a minimum must have a primary contact. Make sure this is up to date as this is how other teams and referees will contact you.
  • TRU Calendar – Public master schedule; we do recommend club officers logon to WTR to see pending referee assignments.

Match Add/Changes

If changes to the master schedule need to be made, use the match change form to request match changes. Likewise, if a friendly or new match needs to be added, use the same form. Do note that changes/adds under 14 days will have a $50 fee assessed as this puts a strain on referee schedules and resources.

The union is also happy to place your tournament on the master calendar, use the Event Form. If requesting referee services, we ask that you request your event be added at least 30 days in advance.

Match Confirmation

Clubs are required to confirm match details with the referee team and their opponents by Wednesday at 9pm. If such notification doesn’t occur, referees and clubs are instructed to NOT attend the match on the weekend and the match will need to be rescheduled.

Competition Management System (CMS)

All matches will be tracked using the USA Rugby Competition Management System (USARCMS) in Rugby Xplorer (RX) or the Rugby Match Day App (available for free in Apple or Google stores). Along with verifying players are registered, the software also tabulates standings that help finalize Championships. Teams must follow these guidelines to avoid sanctions.


Failure to comply with any or all of the above requirements or refusal to provide the required information is sufficient grounds for sanctions for the offending club including match forfeiture, disqualification, and/or monetary fines. Recommended fines shall be as follows:

  • First offense is written warning
  • Second offense is $50 fine and issue will be referred to RRRC for further sanction.
  • Third offense is $100 fine and issue will be referred to RRRC for further sanction.

Further infractions shall be sent to TRU Disciplinary Committee or RRRC Competitions Committee as appropriate.

Overtime Policy

The RRRC and TRU adhere to the updated USA Rugby Overtime Policy; it is also referred to as Extra Time in some cases.


Ties in the standings based on competitive points only will be broken by the RRRC Tiebreaker Policy.

Field Policies

The below safety guidelines are for teams and tournaments and are supplied to ensure player and participant welfare in and around sanctioned events.

Technical Zones

Technical zones will be used at ALL matches or tournament events. These are in addition to all other normal field policies. All coaches, players, medics, etc., will remain behind the ropes and in their technical zone. Effectively the entire technical zone will now be behind ropes where the “team bench” was previously. Individuals (including coaches) are no longer permitted to stand in front of the ropes.

The Technical zone (TZ) is defined as space in front of the rope/barrier between the 10m line and 22m line. The technical zone will consist of three separate areas: a Team 1 box, an administrative area and a Team 2 box. These technical zones will be painted/roped/coned on the field along with the field of play markings by the home team.

Please see the updated technical diagram below for further clarification:

New TRU Rugby Pitch Technical Zones

Club Field Marshals

In an effort to help curb Referee Abuse, we’re recommending that clubs put Field Marshals in place. Field Marshals are very similar to a #4 but would also be responsible for monitoring the teams for issues. These individuals would be introduced to the visiting team’s coaching staff and would be responsible for reporting abuse and/or helping to mitigate issues.  Field Marshals are expected to be honest brokers who understand and honor the integrity of the game.

The TRU and RRRC reserve the right to place qualified individuals at games to observe potential abuse and help support the referee team. The playing teams may or may not be notified of this placement. The individual named will not be associated with either playing team nor have any significant interest in the outcome.

Abuse Occurrence

Abuse from a Club

Should any Referee Abuse occur, the Match Official witnessing the Referee Abuse will notify the offending coach, player or administrator that they are under warning. If the warning is not heeded and Referee Abuse persists, the Match Official will recommend to the center referee that the offending party be told to remove themselves from the venue.

If the offending party doesn’t leave as requested by the Center Referee, further escalation could include the center referee recommending a Sanction.

Abuse from Spectators

Should any spectator engage in Referee Abuse, the Match Official witnessing the Referee Abuse will recommend the center referee stop the match, notify both teams, and request their coaches address the situation with their spectators. If the warning is not heeded and Referee Abuse persists, the offending spectator(s) will be asked by the Match Official who witnessed the Referee Abuse to remove themselves from the venue.

If the offending spectator doesn’t leave as requested by the Match Official, further escalation could include the center referee recommending a Sanction.

Reporting Abuse

Should any abuse occur, it should immediately be reported to the TRU Disciplinary Committee for review. If the DC finds the report to be accurate, a Sanction will be imposed.



Upon a report of Referee Abuse from the center referee, the TRU DC may assess fines and suspensions on coaches, players, clubs and administrators.  The baseline fine and suspension structure is:

  • 1st offense: $200 and suspension minimum of one game
  • 2nd offense: $400 and suspension minimum of two games
  • 3rd offense: $600 and suspension minimum of three games

The fines and suspensions detailed above are minimums.  The TRU DC may also see fit to apply additional sanctions such as a player or coach being suspended from multiple matches, requirements of responsible individuals to take referee certification course, etc.  Decisions of the DC are appealable to the TRU Board.

Competitive Sanctions

In addition to the TRU DC reviewing the report, the RRRC Competitions Committee reserves the right to review the report and recommend competitive sanctions, including but not limited to the forfeiture of the match in question, and/or docking of competitive points, if deemed necessary to deter future Referee Abuse. Decisions of the RRRC Competitions Committee are appealable as set forth in USA Rugby Eligibility Rules, and its successor provisions in future Competitive Cycles.


If video of an incident is available, we do urge that it is included in the submission. Video that isn’t complete or edited will be considered suspect.

Referee Abandonment of Match

  1. The referee will commence the match only if all safety guidelines are met, and may abandon the match if any of these guidelines are breached.
  2. The referee will abandon the match if any match official (referee, touch judge or other assigned official) is threatened verbally or physically.
  3. Before abandoning a match, the referee will meet with the team captains to explain why this action is being taken.
  4. A team is responsible for the abandonment and will be liable for all match fees.


“Match Official” means the center referee, any Assistant Referee (AR), any member of the RRRC Committee or TRU Board, any #4 appointed by the TRRA, and/or any Field Marshal, charged with policing abuse of the referees.

“Referee Abuse” – For the purpose of this policy, abuse may be any conduct that falls under World Rugby Law 9, subsections 12, 27, and 28, governing verbal and physical abuse, acts contrary to good sportsmanship, and respecting the authority of the referee. However, the scope of this policy expressly extends this standard beyond participating players to include coaches, administrators, player reserves, medics, photographers, or other persons allowed inside the playing enclosure or technical zones. In order for an act to be considered foul play under Law 9 and World Rugby Regulation 17, the action must be intentional/deliberate or reckless.

It also includes, but is not limited to: (A) any intentional, but nonconsensual, contact with any Match Official; (B) verbal and nonverbal communication which contains foul or abusive language or which implies or directly threatens physical harm to any Match Official; (C) any threat or damage to a Match Official’s person or personal property; (D) questioning calls during ongoing match play, whether to the center referee or to an AR, as opposed to the head coach or captain (only) politely posing questions to the center referee (a captain may politely speak to a match official during a match; a coach may only speak to a match official in a polite manner before the match, at half time, and after the match); (E) after being warned as provided in this rule, any failure of any player, coach, administrator, support personnel, or fan to immediately leave the venue on the request of any Match Official; (F) repeated instances of dissent (as defined in the World Rugby Laws); (G) gyrating actions and/or kicking or throwing objects in response to the center referee’s or an AR’s call, non-call, or other action in officiating the match.

Additional Field Policies

  1. The home club must provide a properly marked field for all matches in accordance with the Laws of the Game and published guidelines of the TRU. Recommended playing surface should be grass or World Rugby Regulation 22 certified turf. Fields should be free of debris such as glass, protrusions, divots, etc.
  2. Sideline barriers or ropes are required a minimum 5m off the touchline on both sides of the field, Try line to Try line; dead ball line to dead ball line.
  3. Teams, staff and players of both teams will be on the opposite side of spectators, separated at the 50m and will remain in their respective technical area.
    1. No more than 2 coaches are allowed in the technical zone
    2. Coaches, players and reserves may not leave their own TZ
    3. Team benches should also be between the 10m line and 22m line and can be inside or behind the TZ
    4. #4 (Fourth Official) or Match Manager (data tracker) occupies the space between the 10m lines (Administrative Area)
      1. Chairs may be set up in the Administrative Area for disciplinary/sin bin purposes
    5. If a team has extenuating circumstances that doesn’t allow for teams to be on the opposite of spectators, they may request a waiver from the TRU. If a waiver is granted it will  be specific to the particular playing venue and may need to be updated by the requesting club periodically.
  4. Teams may have up to two medical professionals “in front of the rope”
    1. Medical personnel should always introduce themselves to the match official(s) before the match begins
    2. Medical professionals may roam either sideline and are not confined to the TZ
    3. Second medical professional must be across from first medical professional on opposite sideline
    4. Coaches are not allowed onto the field with medical personnel unless explicitly allowed by the match official
  5. Water carriers must stay “behind the rope” unless the match official signals that they may enter the playing field
    1. Water carriers should endeavor to wear a top that clashes with players on the field
    2. Coaches may not serve as water carriers
    3. Coaches should not huddle with teams on the field after scores
  6. All goal posts in the field of play must be padded. All field flags must be break-away.
  7. The home club shall provide a sufficient number of properly inflated rugby balls, in good playing condition, so as to carry on the match without substantial delay.

Waiver Request

The TRU understands that not all clubs will be able to comply with these new requirements due to field space or limitations with their facility. Clubs can submit a waiver request to admin@texasrugbyunion.com.

The TRU Board will review each waiver request and let teams know if they are granted. We would recommend including as much detail and supporting documentation as possible.


Failure to meet the minimum required field policies will be tracked on a rolling twelve (12) month basis with the following sanctions:

  • First Offense: $50 fine
  • Second Offense $100 fine and issue will be referred to RRRC for further sanction.
  • Third Offense: $150 fine and issue will be referred to RRRC for further sanction.

Further infractions shall be sent to TRU Disciplinary Committee or RRRC Competitions Committee as appropriate.

The following procedures should be followed on game day and/or in the case of a citing:

  • Both coaches should review the assigned team areas at least 30 minutes prior to kickoff.
  • If both coaches cannot agree to a suitable resolution, the respective coaches, must notify the referee before kickoff.
  • Coaches can NOT agree to waive the stated policy requirements by mutual consent.
  • Primary reporting of the Field Barrier Policy shall continue to be made via Referee Match Reports.
  • The TRU Administrator and Divisional Reps will review all match reports and notify the respective clubs within 48 hours or as is reasonable.
  • Appeals shall be submitted to the TRU Disciplinary Director within 48 hours of notification or as is reasonable.
  • Fines shall be due and payable within 10 business days of notification by the TRU.

Forfeiture of Matches

The RRRC and TRU handle forfeitures of matches separately. The RRRC handles the competitive aspect as well as rescheduling responsibilities (see Appendix F for forfeitures and cancellation of matches). The TRU reviews forfeitures of matches and will assess if the below fines should be applied.

If a team believes they will not be able to fulfill a match they are required to notify the below individuals by Wednesday at 5pm.

  • The applicable RRRC Divisional representative(s) or TRU Board member(s);
  • The TRU Administrator;
  • The TRRA referees appointments officer;
  • The Referee and any ARs assigned to the match; and
  • The opposition club contact and/or match secretary.

If notifications are not sent or don’t include the right individuals than the below fees can be assessed:

Non Played Forfeits

  • 1st offense: $150 plus referee costs; $150 to club, rest goes to cover referee fees
  • 2nd offense: $300 plus referee costs; $200 to opponent, rest goes to cover referee fees

Further infractions will be sent to TRU Disciplinary Committee or RRRC Competitions as appropriate.

Played Forfeits

For a match to be considered a played forfeit it must include at least 12 players a side and at least 60 minutes of rugby. This could include guest players from other teams but they must be of age for senior rugby and registered.

The above notification policy is required for a played forfeit as well, notifications must be sent by Wednesday at 5pm. Upon notification of a played forfeit, referees will be provided as available:

  • 1st offense is written warning
  • 2nd offense team President must be present at next TRU board call to explain how his or her team will remedy situation
  • 3rd offense is $150 plus referee costs; $150 to club, rest goes to cover referee fees

Further infractions shall be sent to TRU Disciplinary Committee or RRRC Competitions Committee as appropriate. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements or refusal to provide the required information is grounds for sanctions for the offending club.

Note that cancellations due to weather also require the above notification or sanctions may be levied as well.

Risk & Safety

Please review our Risk & Safety Policy which includes measures for early notification of matches postponed due to severe weather, ‘Match Played’ & Weather Cancellation Polices, Safety Guidelines and our lightening policy.

Uniform & Equipment Guidelines

The TRU, following USA Rugby guidelines, shall conform to World Rugby Law 4 on uniforms and equipment. The TRU reserves the right to apply any further restrictions at ay time.

As of October 2021 World Rugby approved an amendment to the laws of the game with immediate effect to allow tights for all matches (see Appendix H for more information on the tights policy).

Advertising & Logo Guidelines

The TRU, following USA Rugby guidelines, shall conform to World Rugby regulations on advertisers and manufacturer’s logos, and further restrictions implemented by the TRU or USA Rugby may apply.

All Star Guidelines

The All Star Managers, appointed by the Board shall coordinate the provision of coaching, managing, training, selection, and match scheduling for representative sides for the Union.

Each participating player must be a member of a TRU sanctioned club and be in good standing with their Club, TRU, and USA Rugby.

Disciplinary Regulations & Procedures

The Disciplinary Regulations and Procedures incorporate those mandated by World Rugby and USA Rugby, will be enforced at all TRU and RRRC events and matches.

The TRU Disciplinary Committee (DC) will consist of the Director of Discipline as Chair. The DC shall be responsible for all disciplinary matters that fall within the jurisdiction of the TRU.

The function of the Director of Disciplines is to oversee the behavior of all member clubs in matters relating to the game itself and to the public image of rugby in the TRU. Therefore, actions, both on and off the field, may come under the scrutiny of this officer.

Clubs are encouraged to take action against their own players, members and supporters for actions detrimental to the game of Rugby. All clubs should insist upon a high standard of behavior from all their members and supporters. The Director of Discipline will, at their discretion, consult with members of the TRU Board and the Divisional Reps on disciplinary issues.


The USA RUGBY Disciplinary Committee is responsible for the following:

Incidents involving a touring team from another union playing a United States team, or at an event within the United States. Any club hosting a touring side should have received permission from USA Rugby to host said club. USA Rugby has touring policies for both in/out bound touring sides that should be adhered to prior to scheduling of the match and requesting a referee.

  • Incidents at a USA Rugby championship series event or any other USA Rugby sponsored competition.
  • Unresolved differences between two or more GUs.
  • Appeals of decisions reached by GU disciplinary processes or procedures.

The TRU Disciplinary Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Incidents at all GU events including all matches played within the GU (League, Friendly, Championships, Tournaments, etc).
  • Off field incidents (including those that reflect negatively on the image of rugby) involving member clubs and/or their members, and supporters that occur within the geographic jurisdiction.

The World Rugby REGULATIONS 17, 18, and 20 for foul play are the MINIMUM that will be imposed. Consequently the TRU Director of Discipline can impose more severe sanctions/penalties than those outlined in these regulations and procedures.

The TRU Director of Discipline, in consultation with the TRU Disciplinary Committee, is empowered to impose appropriate sanctions including, but not limited to, probation, suspension, and expulsion as deemed appropriate against individual members and/or clubs. The Director of Discipline does not operate in the realm of the judicial system and cannot award compensation, or direct individuals, or clubs to pay financial damages or restitution for specific incidents of misconduct.

Fielding Non-Registered Players

The TRU Board has approved the following disciplinary actions in relation to clubs fielding non-registered players:


First Offense

The club will receive a warning letter, the game will be forfeited, and the club will be fined $100 for each ineligible player. The fine has to be paid within 30 days or the club will be suspended until the fine is paid. If the non-registered’d player is involved in a disciplinary issue [yellow or red card], the player will be banned from all rugby until his name appears on the club’s registration listing on the USA Rugby Website. Once the player’s name appears on the USA Rugby Registration listing, the TRU Disciplinary Director will then impose disciplinary sanctions against the player for his disciplinary infraction.

Subsequent Offenses

The TRU Disciplinary Committee will decide on additional actions which will range from but not be limited to:

    • Fine of up to $500 for each ineligible player & the fine to be paid within 30 days or club will be suspended until the fine is paid;
    • The club to be suspended from the TRU for 12 months.
    • Issue will be referred to RRRC Competitions Committee for further sanction.

Tracking Offenders

It is the responsibility of the Director of Discipline to provide a written report to the TRU and the National Office of USA Rugby of any action taken. USA Rugby will cause information on all but the automatic suspensions of a week, or one match, to be periodically circulated throughout the United States by, but not limited to: posting to their website and other electronic or printed media.

Any club that allows a suspended player to participate in matches while suspended will be subject to additional penalties by the TRU Disciplinary Committee.

Undetected Foul Play/Off Field Conduct

When foul play occurs but is undetected by the Referee, Assistant Referees or Touch Judges it is the responsibility of the witness(es) to report it to the referee as soon as practical after the match. If it is not practical to report the incident to the referee, the incident should be reported using the Disciplinary Report. Likewise, off field behavior that is detrimental to the image of the game of rugby should be reported using the same form in a timely manner.

Upon receipt of these reports, the Director of Discipline must contact the accused within five (5) days. Upon receipt of the comments of the accused the Director of Discipline will follow the procedures established above.

Foul play incidents, if found to be true, should be dealt with as prescribed above.

Off field incidents will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Proven allegations of misconduct that tends to place the game in disrepute are expected to be dealt with in the strongest manner. As a reminder, clubs are responsible for the activities of their members and supporters as they relate to the image of the game.


Any club, which is a member of the TRU that holds a tournament, of any kind, is obligated to ensure that the following disciplinary procedures will be followed:

  • All red and yellow card incidents are to be reported by the Tournament Director and the Referee Manager. These individuals are responsible for reporting these incidents no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the completion of the Tournament.
  • A player who receives a red card in a game, is automatically suspended and can no longer participate in the remainder of the tournament under any circumstances. A full report of the red card incident needs to be obtained by the Tournament Director and the Referee Manager and submitted within forty-eight (48) hours.
  • The TRU Discipline Director will determine the length of the suspension upon receipt of the incident report.
    • In the event that a red carded player is allowed to play in the remainder of the Tournament, the club holding the Tournament and the club whose player was red-carded will be liable to sanctions, financial or otherwise, by the TRU DC.

It is recommended that clubs holding tournaments include these procedures in their Tournament program and/or handout the procedures to all participating teams at the tournament team meeting.

Reciprocity & Requirements

Reciprocity is mandated. Players and/or clubs sanctioned in one GU are sanctioned in all GUs.

All members of USA Rugby must keep their GU, and USA Rugby apprised of address changes.

It appears that a small minority of players have a disregard for fair play and the overall good of the game. This fact and the increasing mobility of American society make the following procedures necessary:

  • Each GU  and the USA Rugby Disciplinary Committee shall maintain written records of all decisions reached and actions taken. The information may be brief but must include name, registration number, venue, date and type of incident, action taken, etc. These files must be kept in a professional manner and passed to the new Director of the Disciplinary Committee. The information is required in order to determine whether an individual is a repeat offender. This information is only to be used during the sentencing portion of any hearing, or action and only if there has been prior disciplinary action taken. It may not be used to determine the guilt or innocence of the individual.
  • If an individual has been found guilty of an offense and the party moves to a new location, the file(s) of any incidents must be copied and the copy sent to the Disciplinary Director or Chair of the GU in the new location. This will ensure continued awareness of past problems, which will need to be addressed, if the individual is again accused of misconduct.

Out-of-State Offenses

In any out-of state game [including tournaments] involves a TRU club it will be the full responsibility of the club to:

  • Report any yellow or red card offenses to the TRU within three (3) days of the offense[s] occurring.
  • Request that the referee submit a report to the Disciplinary Officers of the TRU.
  • Furnish the Disciplinary Director of the Texas GU with the name and phone number of the referee:

Red Card Offense Only

Any player who is red-carded in out-of-state game will be required to serve the mandatory minimum eight day/one game suspension pending review by the Disciplinary Officers of the TRU. If such a red-card offense occurs in a tournament, the player ejected is ineligible to play for the remainder of the tournament and the automatic suspension begins after the final game of the tournament. Any club that does not report yellow and/or red card offenses in out-of-state games to the Disciplinary Officers of the TRU will face severe sanctions, as will the player who committed the offenses.


The TRU offers player and club playoff grants.

Member Grants

Member grants need to be applied for and will be reviewed by the TRU Board. These grants are designated for TRU members in good-standing who need assistance at camps, clinics, High Performance events or certification courses as players and coaches.

Club Playoffs Grants

Clubs that move past league play on to the USA Rugby XVs National Championships or USA Rugby 7s National Championships will receive automatic grants. These will  only be allocated for out of Union play.


$25 per registered player will be allocated for the club per playoff round. Maximum grants is the dues paid by the club that season and minimum is for 28 players.


$25 per registered player will be allocated for the club per playoff round. Maximum grants is the dues paid by the club that season and minimum is for 14 players.


Appendix A – RRRC Duties

The RRRC organizes, administers, controls and regulates the game of Rugby Union for the clubs that are its members within the geographic area its members agree. The RRRC shall organize, control and administer rugby games between regional bodies and visiting clubs as necessary. The RRRC is a conference of USA Rugby that answers to the Competitions sub-committee of the USA Rugby Club Strategic Committee (CSC).

For more information on the RRRC: https://texasrugbyunion.com/information/red-river-rugby-conference/

Appendix B – RRRC Definitions

RRRC Division: Organizes member clubs into competitive leagues for the purpose of determining a RRRC champion and/or representatives for championships, which lead to USA Rugby National Championships.

RRRC League Match: any match which leads to a RRRC Division Championship for the purpose of advancing in toward a USA Rugby National Championship.

RRRC competitive season: Is generally defined as September 1 until the final game of the RRRC Championship / League season.

Appendix C – RRRC Promotion and Relegation

The RRRC handles Promotion & Relegation, for more information: https://texasrugbyunion.com/information/red-river-rugby-conference/rrrc-promotion-relegation-policy/.

Appendix D – Player Eligibility

As the National Governing Body, USA Rugby has the sole right to establish minimum rules under which the game is played in the United States. The rules for the players and club eligibility, use of logos, uniforms and equipment as contained in the “USA Rugby Eligibility Rules” (published on the USA Rugby website: http://usarugby.org/club-eligibility) apply to any match in which in any way leads to any USA Rugby Championship. These are the minimum guidelines, which must be applied by all Geographic Unions.

All Players must be in good standing with applicable governing bodies including their Club, the TRU, and USA Rugby in order to participate in National Championships and all events leading up to the Championships, including RRRC Championships

Challenges to Eligibility

The RRRC handles eligibility and any challenges, for more information: https://texasrugbyunion.com/information/red-river-rugby-conference/

Appendix E: Match Schedules

The RRRC will create each divisional league schedule. The RRRC will also create the TRU divisional schedule so that it aligns with clubs that have multiple sides and so like locations and venues can be utilized.

Appendix F – Forfeiture of Matches

Forfeiture of a match will result in being barred from the playoffs and advancement within the current competitive season. A second occurrence in the competitive season will warrant relegation to the next lower division for the following competitive cycle.

For more information: https://texasrugbyunion.com/rrrc-match-cancellation-and-reschedules/

Appendix G: Appeals

An individual or club may appeal a decision they feel is unjust. This does not apply to suspensions related to players sent off if the initial report was not addressed by the individuals or the clubs. It is recommended that where possible all appeals be accompanied by video evidence of the incident.

A written notice of appeal must be made within seventy-two hours (72) hours of receipt of the notice of suspension. The appeal notice must be sent to the TRU President and the Disciplinary Committee. The TRU President will convene the Board of Directors for review of the appeal. The Board has the power to uphold, overturn, decrease or increase the original sanction as published by the TRU Discipline Committee.

The TRU Director of Discipline shall copy and forward all information regarding the case to the TRU President upon request. If a hearing has been requested, then the hearing date, time and place shall be determined by the TRU President and sent to each member of the TRU Board of Directors and to the appellant. Such details of the hearing shall be agreeable to all parties, subject to them not withholding such approval unreasonably. When and where possible, all correspondence may be by email.

Subsequent Appeal

If applicable and warranted, the appellant shall have the ability to make subsequent appeal of prior rulings to the USA Rugby Discipline Committee. A copy of the appeal must also be sent to the President of the TRU. The TRU President shall initiate the appeal by contacting the USA Rugby Disciplinary Committee who shall be the Appeals Committee.

Appendix H: Tights

Local Policy Proposal for Senior Club Rugby
World Rugby Regulation 4 (Player Clothing)

TRU and USA Rugby shall adhere to World Rugby Regulation 4 (Player Clothing), guidelines, at all National Championship Series events, and at all designated International Competitions and Test matches.

As of October 2021, players at all levels of rugby will be able to wear tights or leggings for matches after the World Rugby Executive Committee approved an amendment to the laws of the game with immediate effect.

Within the TRU:

  • Athletic leggings worn by men and women must meet WR 4.4-(b) standard: cotton blend long tights with single inside seam worn under the shorts and socks.
  • It is on the player to verify compliance with the World Rugby guideline in event of any question or challenge by an opposing team (not the referee).
  • Inability to confirm the fabric shall result in that player being held out of the competition until the tights are removed, or the material confirmed as being in compliance with the code.


  • Sep 2024 – Updated to reflect new CMS deadline
  • Mar 2023 – Red River Competition Committee adopted USA Rugby NCS Overtime Policy
  • Oct 2022 – Updated roster requirements per TRU Board call
  • Aug 2022 – Updated registration links to reflect new provider (Rugby Xplorer)
  • Feb 2022 – Updated regulations around tights and tiebreaker rules
  • November 2020 – Updated registration links
  • February 2020 – New tights policy adopted by RRRC Competitions Committee
  • November 2019 – Updated RRRC Match cancellations and forfeits
  • November 2019 – Added updated technical zones guidelines and further clarified additional field policies
  • October 2019 – Added ‘Who Does What’ guide link
  • September 2019 – Updated manual disciplinary form URL
  • July 2018 – Updated to reflect new CMS deadline per USA Rugby requirements
  • December 2017 – Updated to reflect new technical zone requirements, CMS unlock policy and the new Men’s D4 and Women’s D3 regulations
  • April 2017 – Updated disciplinary procedures to reflect that we are following USA Rugby and World Rugby policies
  • 2012 – Operating Procedures & Field Policy
  • 2010 – Updated Field Policies