TRU Board Meeting Notes – 7/18/22

At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the TRU archived minutes or read on for the most recent notes:

  1. Roll Call
    1. Young
    2. Dodge
    3. Roche
    4. Hiller
    5. Kurylas
    6. Tomsak
    7. Wilson
    8. Martin
      1. Regrets
        1. Tate – Unavailable, Wendy Young stepping in as Chair as Drew Tomsak is unable to
  2. Fines
    1. Huns – paid Kirk?
      1. Young: The Huns had not yet paid their fine before Bloodfest, so Kirk went ahead and paid it, we just need to check in and make sure the Huns pay him back.
        1. Young (update 7/22): Huns have paid their fine and Kirk has been refunded.
    2. Alamo City – outstanding
      1. Young: Still outstanding, but from what we heard on the RRRC Call they may be combining with San Antonio?
      2. Dodge: From what I understand they are having a call on that tonight with the boards. Do we have a precedent on what to do with fines if clubs merge?
      3. Young: The closest we have is Euless, but I don’t think they ever paid that fine and it just disappeared.
      4. Dodge: If they merge with San Antonio and try to form a new club, we could just make it a condition of their new club, that they need to pay that fine. The RRRC committee will also need to discuss what to do with that sanction that was levied as well.
  3. Competitions Update
    1. Promotion/Relegation Appeals
      1. Dodge: It looks like everyone whose initial appeal was submitted and denied, did not seek to appeal further to the TRU. We had a long call last monday on all the various promotion/relegation appeals. About 70-80% were appealed and while most were granted, some were not. Some clubs stayed at their relegated level determined by the previous season, and one requested promotion that did not receive it. So we are in a position to start forming the league structure and the schedule off of that. We have a meeting this upcoming Monday night on League Structure, we may be able to cancel that if we have everything organized before then, unless we need to discuss the women’s structure.
      2. Young: I just reminded the women of the call to organize this week, I think we are there, just need to make sure everyone is happy.
  4. New Clubs
    1. Young: Two clubs expressed interest but did not complete applications. RRRC is starting to work on the schedule so they have essentially missed the window.
    2. Dodge: I haven’t heard anything from new clubs. I also would apply this logic to any club who is attempting to “restart” – ie Kingwood, San Marcos, etc.
  5. 7s
    1. Young: I saw we have a location on the 7’s National Championship, St. Louis, MO. Great weather for 7’s in August in St Louis…
    2. Young: Kat how are the standings looking for RRRC?
    3. Roche: I provided a great update on the website
    4. Young: I read it! It was fantastic.
    5. Martin: This part of the season is getting a bit challenging for scheduling sevens, we are competing against a big event in Utah this weekend so we don’t have any of our usuals available for the qualifier events.
    6. Dodge: Do we have any conflicts with PR7’s in Austin?
    7. Young: Yes, Cherrybone is on that weekend and didn’t want to move their dates.
  6. HOF
    1. Young: All board members get two complimentary tickets, I need to know by July 31st. We’ve already sold 70 tickets and are expected to sell out so let me know now!
    2. Dodge: The Dallas RFC also have their annual banquet that weekend so I am booked. 
    3. Young: It’s going to be a fantastic event with some new awards being introduced.
  7. Summit
    1. Young: Also that weekend we have the Summit, we have coaching courses, referee courses, and more. We’d love help getting interest in these courses. This is a great opportunity to meet and network with rugby people in our region as well as gain certifications that can further your rugby career.
    2. Dodge: Do we get any national support on these?
    3. Young: No.
    4. Dodge: So USAR has no role in these?
    5. Young: Mary Swanstrom (our regional trainer) helps locate educators and assist with administrative support. Her accomodation is covered by USAR, so they do provide something. USAR does also add the courses to their master calendar. We used to get some participants flying in, which without the USAR advertising we don’t get as much.
    6. Tomsak: When I did my L300 coaching, we had three people fly in from CA and UT.
    7. Young: Yeah I think we have all locals registered for that course so far.
    8. Young: Sometimes just dropping a “hey I heard you wanted to ref, there’s a course coming up!” is a great way to drive interest.
  8. Elections
    1. Young: Elections for the TRU Board are coming up! RRRC elections will be at the same time.
    2. Dodge: I will be stepping down from the RRRC Chairman position, so whoever populates the new competitions committee will have to vote for someone new. I would like to stay on this committee though so please vote for me!
    3. TRU
      1. President – Sep 2023 (3 year term)
      2. Vice President – Sep 2022 (3 year term) Tomsak
      3. DI M Rep – Sep 2022 (3 year term) Dodge
      4. W Rep – Sep 2022 (3 year term) Wilson
      5. DII M Rep – Sep 2024 (3 year term)
      6. DIII M Rep – Sep 2024 (3 year term)
        1. Young: Looking at dates we should probably open nominations Aug 1, close them on Sep 2 and then open forum for questions at AGM with digital vote afterwards.
        2. Tate: Have Dodge and Marie decided if you are going to run again? Tomsak isn’t on the call tonight. (from June meeting)
        3. Dodge: Yes, I would like to run for the Board again but may give up the Competitions Chair.
        4. Wilson: I haven’t decided against it. 
        5. Young: Dodge, I wasn’t on the RRRC call last month but I think we can follow the same dates. We will determine who is up for election soon and let everyone know. It’s every position but on a bi-yearly basis as reps sit for 2 years.
        6. Dodge: Yes and we’re doing the open forum for questions at the AGM?
        7. Young: Yes and that is on Sunday, Sep 11.
  9. Summer AGM
    1. Young: We posted an announcement last month that our Summer AGM will be separate from the Summit. It will be Sunday, September 11 It will be virtual. and it will be virtual
  10. 501c3
    1. Young: I assume nothing has changed, so we can keep waiting.
    2. Dodge: The National Club Council filed last year and I just got contact from the IRS requesting more information, so this might keep carrying over for a while.
  11. New Business
    1. 2022 World Rugby Law Changes effective August 1
      1. Young: We will get this posted on the website, shared on social and sent to all members but wanted to make sure our members know that there are a few law changes that go into effect as of August 1.
  12. Meeting Adjournment (8:36 PM)