TRU Board Notes – 4/15/2019

At the request of our members the TRU Board will be releasing their monthly board call minutes and notes. View all of the TRU archived minutes or read on for the most recent notes:

  1. Roll Call
    1. Young
    2. Kurylas
    3. Tomsak
    4. Tate
    5. Hiller
    6. Dodge
    7. James
    8. Yeoman
      1. Guests
        1. Frank Waller
      2. Regrets
        1. Green
  2. Follow ups
    1. Forfeits
      1. San Antonio D2
        1. Young: Forfeit on 3/30 and 4/13 (both unplayed). RRRC has reviewed and referred to TRU.
        2. Tate: The RRRC is reviewing and so we just need to determine if this forfeit and Quins D2 need to have any additional sanctions. Do we know if these matches had appropriate notification to referees, etc?
        3. Young: I believe so, as far as referees.
        4. Hiller: On the 4/13 match we didn’t find out until Friday afternoon.
        5. Tate: OK, so the notice was done on a Friday and it was there second forfeit of their season.
          1. Young: So looking at the forfeit rules, 1st offense: $150 plus referee costs; $150 to club, rest goes to cover referee fees. 2nd offense: $300 plus referee costs; $200 to opponent, rest goes to cover referee fees
          2. Tate: We also need to make sure that they understand that their notice was late as well. If they had played, there would be no fines as well.
          3. Young: OK, so their fine is $150 as they notified on 3/30 but not 4/13.
          4. Hiller: Correct, I recall HARC indicating that they were told on Tuesday for the 3/30 match.
          5. Tate: Any opposition? None. APPROVED.
            1. Young: UPDATE 5/13: San Antonio also had an unplayed forfeit on 4/27 without proper notification. Their fine is now $300, invoice has been sent.
      2. Quins D2
        1. Young: They are up to 3 unplayed and 1 played forfeit. RRRC has reviewed and referred to TRU.
        2. Tate: My impression just based on their situation is that they’ve been up front about their situation.
        3. Young: That is correct. Elaine indicated earlier in the season that they would be taking matches week by week. Their notifications have been timely.
        4. Tate: Right, we don’t want to kick a team while they are down. We want up front notification.
        5. Dodge: In this case, there was proper notice so no fine should be assessed.
        6. Tate: Any opposition? None. APPROVED.
      3. MD4
        1. Teams having issues with numbers
          1. DARC II
          2. Galveston
          3. HARC II
          4. San Antonio II
            1. Tate: This has had a lot of email traffic lately, we’ve had two issues. One, we’ve had a fair number of games that were forfeited or not played. Generally with adequate notice, but in some cases those matches had playoff implications. We’ve had discussions about TRU Championships and a four team playoff, but that hasn’t gotten off the ground. My proposal is that we go with a final Men’s North vs Men’s South champion.
            2. Tate: Any opposition? None. APPROVED.
        2. Forfeits in CMS
          1. Young: I’ve marked matches that haven’t been rescheduled yet as forfeits so the table standings are at least correct. Teams can and should continue to try and reschedule matches but we’re running out of time.
    2. Weather Cancellations
      1. 12/15 – Diablos vs Fort Worth II – no reschedule
      2. 3/30 – Alliance II vs DARC II – not actually due to weather but due to lack of numbers for both teams
      3. 4/6 – Denton vs Shreveport – no reschedule
      4. 4/13 – DARC vs Ft Worth
      5. 4/13 DARC W vs Austin Valkyries W II
        1. Tate: Lots of weather cancellations, teams may be struggling to get games at this point. We should encourage teams to look at Sundays, we know they don’t like it, but weekends are filling up.
        2. Dodge: The only one that I’m seeing that would have an impact is DARC W vs Austin Valkyries W. They need to meet their match minimum.
        3. Young: I was copied on an email chain so they are at least talking about it.
        4. Waller: The Dames have been struggling with #s for Apr 27. Not in general, but it was an open weekend and players have made plans.
        5. Tate: Ok, let’s get ahead of this one. Let’s send out a notice to all the teams of what the RRRC reschedule policy is. If the teams can agree, that is best. If they can’t agree it goes to the policy.
    3. 3/9 Galveston vs Woodlands – Woodlands ineligible player?
      1. Tate: We talked about this last month, Woodlands played an ineligible player.
      2. Dodge: The RRRC decided not to apply any sanctions as Galveston didn’t contest and they won the match.
      3. Tate: Ok, so we need to decide if we want to take no action, asses a fine or probate?
      4. Dodge: I think we assess a fine, the only reason they got caught was because the player got a yellow card. Maybe this will encourage other clubs to do more book checks?
      5. Tate: This is a clear cut violation, you have to be registered and publicly available on the CIPP roster. If his transfer had come through by now, they might have a leg to stand on. The policy indicates $100 per player. I recommend we apply the policy. Any opposition? NONE. APPROVED.
        1. Young: Invoice has been sent (5/13).
    4. May-June Referee Course?
      1. Tate: I have several St Ed’s kids that want to take a referee course. I would strongly encourage that we do a course.
      2. Hiller: Once we get through the playoffs, we also have a bunch of guys that want to get certified.
      3. Tate: I would recommend we get on scheduling this soon.
      4. Young: I talked with Kat Roche and she is confident that we can train up these new referees. She would prefer May 12 as she will already be in Dallas.
      5. Dodge: May 12 may be a bit quick, would that conflict with University finals?
      6. Tate: Not my particular guys, they should be OK.
      7. Young: We just really need a location and then we can start publicizing the event.
      8. Kurylas: May 12 is Mother’s day.
      9. Dodge: What if we have them the first weekend of playoffs?
      10. Hiller: I can probably get a classroom for free in Houston.
      11. Tate: I would be OK if we did the first weekend of June. Who would like to take the lead on putting this together? Zach is that something you’d be willing to do for us?
      12. Hiller: Yes, we have a HARC player that got a red card. Sounds like he can help with this.
    5. Grant Requests
      1. Stacy Kipp
        1. Young: She is looking to attend the ARPTC camp. We recently approved another grant for this previously.
        2. Tate: Ok, if this is the same as the last one. I would say we give the same grant of $250.
        3. Dodge: Agree.
        4. Tate: Any opposition? None. APPROVED.
  3. Championships
    1. Format
      1. MD4
        1. Tate: We’ve had discussions about TRU Championships and a four team playoff, but that hasn’t gotten off the ground due to a lack of interest from the clubs. My proposal is that we go with a final Men’s North #1 vs Men’s South #1 champion.
        2. Dodge: I had thrown out the four team playoff but teams weren’t interested.
        3. Tate: So the next question, with the teams having numerical issues, do we have a viable D4 South Champion that is going to participate?
        4. Dodge: HARC, I think is the South #1 and my discussions with them and Alliance North #1…they both have teams playing in RRRC and will be fielding a D4 side on Sunday for the TRU Championship. If we play the MD4 match last, that would probably be the fairest thing to do.
        5. Tate: In D4 that is expressly allowed. I think it may be a situation that resolves itself.
        6. Dodge: Their motivation is to develop rugby, so they won’t be stacking their sides or anything.
          1. Hiller: HARC had asked me if they could use guest players for the TRU Championship?
          2. Tate: Correct, up to three players and they must be CIPP’d to somebody in Texas. There are a few reschedules out there, but teams would have to move swiftly to get those on the calendar.
      2. WD3
        1. Tate: The division has unfortunately come apart on us.
        2. Young: Yes, McAllen has a full side while OKC and Alliance have only played one or two matches and are playing 7s.
        3. Tate: Can we have another exhibition match with a WD2 team?
        4. Young: Yes, or I was thinking we could have OKC and Alliance combine?
        5. Tate: I think if we can get McAllen a full match, rather than a motley that would be best. They want to try and be in D2 next year so we need to try and get them a full match.
        6. Dodge: I can talk to the Reds women.
        7. Young: Great, I can talk to Bay Area as a backup.
    2. Broadcast
      1. Young: I contracted with Nutmeg Media who has done rugby in DFW area. They’ve done some HS and Quins matches. The quote was very manageable and so I went ahead and signed it. They will be able to stream all of the matches as well. The only catch is we have to get commentators, so I’ve got a couple of emails out for that.
      2. Tate: Great! We can find commentators.
    3. Schedule
      1. Tate: We’re working on a tentative schedule.
      2. Dodge: I have the matchups, I’ll send them to you Wendy.
      3. Young: Perfect, I’ll take a first pass at the schedule and then share with Dodge/Tate for approval.
    4. Match Commissioner
      1. Tate: I would be potentially available on Saturday morning to help with this. If possible, I’d like to not rely on Wendy either so she can handle other event issues that arise.
      2. Dodge: Let me ask some individuals on the RRRC committee. I would step up but my concern is that we are hosting and will be overwhelmed.
      3. Tomsak: I’ll be there that weekend as well.
      4. Kurylas: I’ll be there both weekends as well.
      5. Hiller: I’ll be there too.
    5. Team check-ins
      1. Young: We’ve tried to do Friday night checks but it hasn’t worked out over the years.
      2. Dodge: So we need to tell teams to arrive 1.5 to 2+ hours before the match for check-in.
      3. Tate: The key here is to have someone appointed as the hard decision maker when it comes to eligibility etc. Right now, I’m not 100% sure that can be me.
      4. Dodge: I’d prefer that to be someone that is on the RRRC committee and someone that isn’t affiliated.
      5. Tate: I’m all about that.
      6. Dodge: I’ll check with a couple of people to see what we can figure out. We’ll keep both boards appraised.
    6. Welcome Packet
      1. Young: I’m working on this for the teams and will send it out shortly.
  4. PO Box
    1. Young: I think it’s time that we have a physical address for the TRU. There are several items that are in my name that if something happens to me there would be no access.
    2. Tate: I agree, let’s go ahead and we’ll get this figured out. Shoot me some options offline and we can move forward on this.
  5. Verizon jetpack
    1. Young: We lost this at the last Summit and it’s taken me this long to hunt down the account info since it’s tied to an older President etc. The costs for this has gone up so we may want to look at another vendor or options.
    2. Tate: Ok, sounds good. We have used this at a ton of events and need to replace it all. Send me an email on that.
  6. New  Business
    1. None.
  7. Meeting Adjourned (9:00 PM)